30 July 2010

Stories from 30 July 2010

Russia Tops Aggressive Internet Traffic Rating

Habrahabr users discuss [RUS] the latest Akamai‘s “State of the Internet” report. According to the research, 12 percent of all the Internet-attacks in the first quarter of 2010 were carried out from the territory of Russia, while the U.S. hackers took the “second prize” for 10 percent of the world's...

Russia: Prosecutor That Banned Youtube Gives Interview

Marker.ru publishes an interview with Vladimir Pakhomov, city prosecutor that obliged the local Internet provider to block Youtube, Web.archive.org and other websites [EN]. Pakhomov expressed Chinese-government-style philosophy on Internet-filtering: “Provider is obliged to filter the information that goes through its channels to the Worldwide Web”, and didn't exclude probable filtering...

Brazil: Disgust at prejudice against atheists on live TV

  30 July 2010

Robson Fernando comments [pt] on a declaration of the police-show host José Luiz Datena who has “associated atheists and disbelief in God with everything that sucks” and said that “Atheists have no moral boundaries, the most brutal crimes are linked to the ‘lack of God in the heart'” on live...

Taiwan: Build a home for bats

  30 July 2010

Green architect, book author, and blogger Alin(阿羚) introduces how to build a home for bats and decrease the rampant trouble of mosquitoes in Taiwan[zht] because each bat can feed on at least 1000 mosquitoes and bugs a day.

Taiwan: Threatened by Microsoft

  30 July 2010

Tetralet complains about his recent experience with Microsoft [zht] about how the software giant emailed and called to threaten that if Tetralet does not welcome Microsoft to “help his company on software property management“, Microsoft would report to superiors and “what's going to happen is not predicable“.