More than 90,000 classified U.S. military documents about the war in Afghanistan have been leaked. As an experiment, we are using Google Wave to live blog global blog and citizen media reactions to the “war logs” (#warlogs) made public today by Wikileaks, Der Spiegel, New York Times and The Guardian.
All Global Voices contributors have access to the live blog if they wish to share links. We recommend you use Google Chrome or a recent version of Firefox or Safari to view this page.
Simple instructions for how to use Google Wave as a live blog were found on ReadWriteWeb.
I believe the Afghan war Wikileaks will stand alongside Nick Ut’s famous photograph of children running along the highway who had been injured by napalm in the Vietnam war in 1972. This photograph helped to grafically demonstrate the horror and suffering of innocent civilians and was pivotal in ending that futile war. I believe that once the suffering of innocent civilians in Afghanistan, who have suffered invasions and civil war for 30 years, is clearly demonstrated to people in Nato countries, whose taxes pay for the mayhem, it will prove to be insupportable. Tragic though it is when soldiers are killed and injured (my own son-in-law was blinded on active service in Sangin) it is the destruction of civilians that finally makes war intolerable.
America & UK..Trying hard to hide murder & war crimes under the vale of secrecy acts.
I am a UK citizen appalled & frightened of the future, unless all secrecy re Lockerbie, David Kelly, London bombings, the twin towers, the Iraq WMD lies, as well as the lies why we are invading Iraq & Afghanistan are made known. As a british citizen I demand the right to know all of the above related to the UK.
Our politicians are screaming liars, lining their pockets…not to the extent of the ex pres. & vice pres of the US B..CARLYLE GROUP or C..haliburton, raping the world.
You know what, demand harder.
Whatever the peace-demanding citizens in USA and UK are doing right now isn’t working at all.
Bring this brutality to an end.They argue we are there to liberate Afghan women but why they did not liberate women in Saudia in 1990s.The worst cruelity with a woman to kill her husband and make her widow and kids orphans today Iraq and Afghanistan are the nations of widows more than 5 million each.We need the answer for this enigma.