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Jordan: Has Technology Killed Our Romanticism?

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Jordan, Development, Ideas, Technology


Letters from Friends by D Sharon Pruitt

Computers and technology play an important role in our everyday lives. One blogger from Jordan remembers the romanticism of getting a letter in the mail and declares on her blog: “I hate electronics.”

Umm Omar sums [2] up (Ar) her reasons as follows:

من جهـه لإنها قتلت فينا مشاعر وأحاسيس مارح يعرفها الجيل الجاي ,, مارح يعرف الشوق واللهفه والإنتظار اللي كنا نستمتع فيه أيام ما كانت الرسائل على الورق,, تقعد أسبوع بحاله تفكر ايش بدك تكتب بمكتوبك,,و تغير اللي كتبته الف مره
وتتردد وإنت رايح ع مكتب البوسطه,, وبعد ما تحطه,, ترسم في خيالك الري أكشن ع الوش اللي رح يستلمه…
On the one hand, it has killed our emotions – feelings the next generation will never know. They will never understand the longing and impatience we used to enjoy on the days in which letters were written on paper. You had to spend an entire week thinking about what you wanted to write in your letter, and change what you had written a thousand times. You would procrastinate as you were on your way to the post office and after you mail your letter, you would allow your imagination to run wild figuring out the reaction on the receiver's face.

She continues:

يا ترى رح يضحكه هالشي اللي بعتتله إياه,, يا ترى أوفيته حقه من كلام وإلا لأء,,, يا ترى رح يزعل مني وما يرد ع المكتوب,,يا ترى ,, يا ترى
You will think: Will what I had just sent make him laugh? Have I done justice with my words or no…Will he get angry and not respond to my letter… will he ..
يضل هالشي يلاخم فيك أيام وأيام,, وتروح ع مكتب البوسطه أكثر من مره ,, وأحيانن مرتين وثلاث بنفس اليوم
ت تستلم مجرد ورقه,, عليها كل شي بتتأمله بحياتك,, عليها ضحكتك السريه,, عليها قصه صغيره مابعرفها غيرك,, إنكتبت بس ل إلك,,
بس عشانك,,
بتضمها ,.,
بتشمها,, ,,
بتخليك بعالم غير هالعالم,, مع إنها دوبك ورقه فولسكاب
You will continue worrying and thinking for days and days and you will return to the post office more than once, and sometimes two or three times on the same day until you receive all that you have hoped for on a piece of paper. You will secretly smile to yourself when you get a letter with a short story, which no one else knows, and which was written just for you…
Just for you…
You hug it …
You smell it …
It transfers you to another world…although it was just a piece of paper.
أيام ,,, وأيام وإنت فرحان فيها وحاسس حالك بدك توقف الناس اللي بالشارع ت تحكيلهم عن فرحتك,, وترجع فيك الدوامه من جديد,, وتبلش بدك تكتب مكتوب
For days and days, you would remain happy and you would feel like you would want to stop the people on the street and tell them about your happiness. You would repeat the cycle again, and start writing another letter …

One reader, Haitham Al Sheeshany responds:

متفق معك أن التكنولوجيا اختزلت الكثير الكثير من المشاعر الجميلة الصادقة.
طبعا ً هي زادت من سعة الانتشار و سهلته أيضا ً.

إيجابيات و سلبيات كل مسألة كغيرها :)

I agree with you that technology has curtailed a lot of the beautiful and genuine feelings. Of course, it has also increased mass circulation and made it easier.

There are a lot of pros and cons, just like with everything else :)

Reader Ashraf Mohidden adds:

التكنولوجيا وعلى رأسها النت أصبحت أساس التواصل في العلاقات الاجتماعية في هذه الأيام .

أما المشاعر والأحاسيس الجميلة التي أصبح من الممكن إيصالها للطرف الآخر بدون عناء ومن خلال كبسة زر إن جاز التعبير فهي دلالة هذا العصر المتسارع في كل شيء مما جعلها كمطاعم الوجبات السريعه :)

Technology, led by the internet, has become the cornerstone of social relations nowadays.
As for beautiful feelings and emotions, they can now be sent without a lot of trouble and at the click of a button. This is a testimony to the fast paced life we live, which has made such emotions like fast food meals :)

And last but not least, White Freedom notes:

التكنولوجيا ضيعت علينا معنى التواصل حتى في الاعياد بدل ماتتصلي وتباركي صرنا نرسل رسالة من الجوال وخلاص
وحتى الرد عن طريق الجوال هههههههههههه عن جد صرنا في عالم ثاني
وما اومك بس التكنولوجيا تنفع في اشياء ثانية لكن سوء الاستخدام هو الذي جعلها ( مكروهه وفاقدة للمعنى

Technology has made us lose the real meaning of connecting with each other even during festivities. Instead of calling and congratulating others, we now send text messages from our mobile phones and that's it. Also, we respond to messages with other text messages. The world has really changed!
I don't blame you. Technology is useful for other things and its abuse has made it hated and lose its meaning.

Has technology really robbed us of romanticism? Please join the debate in our comments section.

Photo Credit:
D Sharon Pruitt [3]