Big news last week from Reuters—”China accepts WTO ruling on entertainment goods” ; “WTO: China cannot use censorship to justify trade barrier”—didn't get as much coverage as one would expect, and some media that did run the story ended up taking it down.
The Reuters story refers to a letter signed by ambassadors to the WTO from both China and the USA in which an agreement was struck that would see China remove all barriers on imports of books, music, films and other entertainment products by March next year.
While not immediately obvious, as the Reuters report suggests, where on the WTO website the letter in question was published, a document which closely resembles it can currently be found on the website for the WTO Center of the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research:
“…China and the United States have agreed that the reasonable period of time for China to implement the recommendations and rulings of the Dispute Settlement Body (“DSB”) in the dispute China – Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products (WT/DS363) shall be 14 months from the 19 January 2010 date…”
Lack of further information on what would otherwise be a quite noteworthy achievement has left some questioning the news.
Nonetheless, the story was quickly picked up and widely reported on by a number of Chinese media; below are some comments made on the news.
中国的文化不好吗? 需要竞争吗?
In related news, WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy will be attending the Shanghai Expo this week for “WTO Honour Day”, at which he will give a speech.
Deeds, not words.
PS This article is blocked in China.