13 July 2010

Stories from 13 July 2010

Costa Rica: The Power of Blogs

  13 July 2010

H3dicho from ticoblogger.com writes [es] about the power of blogs, ending with an analysis of blogging in Costa Rica: “In Costa Rica blogs have become so important that traditional media and...

Paraguay: The president's alleged tweets

  13 July 2010

FERNANDO LUGO, the president of Paraguay, denies writing messages to an opposition senator on Twitter. This raises two questions: How easy is it to confirm an identity on a social network, and how plausible is the president’s denial?

Iran: Strike in Bazaar

Several bloggers such as unity4iran reported that a strike in Tehran's main bazaar in protest against higher taxes has entered its second week. You can see photos of closed shops...

Bangladesh: Coming Home

  13 July 2010

Rawi at Alternarrative writes about what it feels like coming home to one’s desher bari (native village or hometown) in Bangladesh.

Bahrain: Stubbing it Out!

With the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan (month of fasting) fast approaching, Bahraini blogger Tawfeeq Al Rayash is hitting two birds with one stone. He is fasting for three months and kicking off smoking after a wake up call from his daughter.

Cuba: True Freedom

  13 July 2010

Uncommon Sense applauds the political prisoners who “refuse ‘freedom’ if it means having to leave Cuba” saying: “They are the ones who are truly free.”