2 July 2010

Stories from 2 July 2010

Cuba: Twitter Plea

  2 July 2010

After the Archbishop of Havana receives a Twitter request from a Cuban hunger striker's mother to help save her son's life, Uncommon Sense says: “The cardinal might want break his...

Bermuda: The Crime Question

  2 July 2010

“Each step – if not aggressively countered by law enforcement and successful prosecution – will lead to wider gun use”: Vexed Bermoothes blogs about the potential fallout from rising crime.

Pakistan: Balochistan – A Ticking Bomb

  2 July 2010

Balochistan, the largest province of Pakistan, has been a hotbed of anarchy. The central government has long persecuted Balochis for their nationalist sentiments and repressive policies have led to frequent uprisings in the past.

Ukraine: #KyivRain Photos

Heavy rains cause flooding in some of Kyiv's neighborhoods. Twitter hashtag is #kyivrain (RUS, UKR); photos by @mrija – here, here, here and here; by @woofer_kyyiv – here; by @meua...

D. R. of Congo: Independence Cha Cha

  2 July 2010

The Democratic Republic of Congo is celebrating the 50th anniversary of independence from Belgian rule. As the state proudly wheeled out some expensive new military hardware for the delectation of visiting dignitaries, bloggers Kakaluigi and Congo Miliki describe the parades in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi, while other Congolese bloggers reminisce about the era of independence.

Brazil: Football and Patriotism During the World Cup

  2 July 2010

Many bloggers in Brazil have criticized the seasonal wave of patriotism taking place during the World Cup. For some, patriotism is the face of fascist ideologies, while for others the Brazilian team is such a disappointment that they prefer to support the Argentinean national team.

Chile: Bielsa and Piñera, When Football Meets Politics

  2 July 2010

Marcelo Bielsa has become much more than a football coach in Chile; he is often admired for his statements, and the media frequently deem his opinions headline worthy. But recently, his actions are speaking louder than his words as his treatment of President Sebastian Piñera has created controversy and mixed opinions. On July 1, "Bielsa" became a trending topic on Twitter where Chileans expressed their feelings about the most recent encounter between the president and the coach.