Stories from 21 May 2010
USA: Hemp History Week, Saving Plant and Planet
In tough economic times, why would anyone ban industrial farming of a highly profitable and useful plant that requires almost no pesticides?
Cuba: Monitoring Arrests
Ever since the February, 2010 death of Orlando Zapato Tamayo, the first Cuban hunger striker to perish in 40 years, the situation in the island appears to have become even more tense.
Sri Lanka: Emergency Flood Relief
In Sri Lanka thousands of people are affected by the recent heavy rains and flashfloods especially in the western, southern and Sabaragamuwa provinces. Sarvodaya blog has the situation reports and...
Egypt: Ask and ElBaradei Will Answer
In the Presidential succession race, and after Gamal Mubarak's Sharek Initiative, Ayman Nour's Facebook activism, Omar Soliman's blog, now you can Ask ElBaradei. From May 17 to 26, you will be...
India: Manipur In Peril
“The entire north east is in the grip of an unprecedented wave of Christianization with the help of foreign money,” comments Tarun Vijay, while discussing the problems in the Indian...
India: Things They Don’t Teach At School
Amit Sodha at The Power Of Choice lists 17 things that should be part of the education system, but are not.
Puerto Rico: Violent Confrontation With Demonstrators
Last night, as the governor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño held a political fundraiser at the Sheraton Hotel in San Juan, students and supporters clashed with special police forces who arrived to quash a demonstration in the lobby.
Pakistan: Banning Social Media Sites
“It is unfortunate that the government is taking staunch steps in banning social media websites across Pakistan in response to a campaign,” comments Sana Saleem Malik at Mystified justice.
Kyrgyzstan: Bloggers seek stability amidst a frenzy of rallies
“People of Kyrgyzstan, regain consciousness!” – such was the cry issued by Kyrgyzstani Kloop blogger Kadam [kyrg/eng] on May 15. His country descended into a cataclysmic cycle of rallies and...
Ghana: New book by Ghanaian blogger
Kajsa writes about a new book by a Ghanaian blogger: “Well, maybe it is a stretch to say that Circles by Boakyewaa Glover (click to go to her blog) is...
Puerto Rico: The University Protest seen through Online Video
The University of Puerto Rico's month long protest against budget cuts is still going strong. Through online video the students hunkered down inside the Rio Piedras campus keep the information flow active.
South Africa: Best World Cup commercial
Sean shares a video of the best 2010 World Cup commercial he has seen so far.
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Inclusive Government Watch
Zimbabwe Inclusive Government Watch from Sokwanene: “The results – from the month of April 2010 – are staggering. Twenty-two articles (27.8% of the total) detailed cases of violence, intimidation, hate...
South Africa: Build up to the World Cup
With 20 days left to the the greatest spectacle showcasing the “beautiful game” in South Africa, there has been a lot of preparation going on behind the scenes and a lot of talk in the South African blogosphere on various issues surrounding the World Cup.
East Timor: Short Story Competition in Tetum
Istoria Timor Short Story Competition in Tetum language is running until the end of June. The concept notes from the previous edition offer an overview to literacy and language in...
South Africa: Economic Benefits of 2010 World Cup
It is always the fun bit that we focus on when thinking about major world tournaments. There is the other side, which has corporate gurus and the business world talking.
Haiti: Burning Seeds
Haitian farmers react to news of hybrid seed flooding the country – Repeating Islands links to a comprehensive report.
Argentina: Rocker Gustavo Cerati Suffers Stroke After Concert
During a concert in Venezuela, Argentinean rock star Gustavo Cerati suffered a stroke, which was followed by an outpouring of support by fans, as well as false rumors of his passing.
Trinidad & Tobago: Politics
gspottt looks at the two main political parties’ stance on “same-sex unions, homosexuality [and] sexual orientation”, while asks: “Does the PNM led by Mr Patrick Manning morally deserve to...
Bermuda: More on the Media Bill
Wishful Thinking says “it's really hit the fan over this Media Council Bill”, while adds: “So, the PLP during the election were against locking up violent criminals but are...
Jamaica: Double Cross?
“Approving the extradition order for Dudus was the cross… Now we’re waiting to find out what’s the DOUBLE CROSS”: Jamaica and the World reads between the lines.