Stories from 8 April 2010
Costa Rica: Appetite-Enticing Culinary Blogs
Costa Rican bloggers, ranging from amateur chefs to people simply passionate about food, are exploring the world of cuisine by presenting international and local dishes, accompanied by recipes and photos that are enticing the appetite of their readers.
Kyrgyzstan: Photos of Bloody Protests
LJ user drugoi published a selection of photographs from the recent violent protests in Kyrgyzstan.
Ukraine: Court Ruling on Stepan Bandera's Hero of Ukraine Status
Steve Bandera of Kyiv Scoop addresses the Ukrainian president once again, writing about the Donetsk Administrative Court's decision that Stepan Bandera “cannot be a ‘Hero of Ukraine’ because he was...
Russia: Expat Bloggers List
Ru_travel community tries to make a list of expat bloggers who live in the most distant parts of the world. Russophone bloggers found in New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia and...
India: IPL And Indian Entertainment Channels
Bhatnaturally informs that Hindi general entertainment channels have seen a 10.5 per cent drop in the overall share during the Indian Premier Leage (IPL cricket tournament) period this year. The...
South Africa: On the murder of the leader of Afrikaner Resistance Movement
On the night of the 3rd of April 2010, the leader of the Afrikaans Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), an Afrikaner resistance movement, Eugene Terre'Blanche, was murdered. What do South Africa's digital citizens have to say about his death and the future of race relations in South Africa?
Nepal: Remembering The April Uprising
“When people arise, all power will have to surrender!” Ujjwal Acharya at The Radiant Star remembers the mass peoples’ movement in Nepal during April 2006, which ended monarchy and Maoists’...
Colombia: ‘Child Bomb’ Used to Attack Police Station
Gustavo Silva Cano provides his thoughts [es] about the death of 12-year-old Heriberto Grueso in El Charco (Nariño, southwestern Colombia), killed by a bomb he was carrying inside a package...
Bangladesh: The Image Of The Politicians
An Ordinary Citizen points to the ever diminishing image of Bangladeshi politicians in the eyes of the people. “The common people are observing the developments, they could identify the deviations...
Women's Rights In Pakistan
Pakistani women are subject to increasing abuse and rights and opportunities are disappearing from them gradually. The absence of protection of law and lack of implementation of existing laws are worsening their plights. Pakistani bloggers discuss the situation.
Japan: 2channel Advice for New Hires
Matt Alt translates “nuggets of wisdom for new hires at Japanese companies from the anonymous hordes of 2ch”. It offers another angle on the subject to our article “Japan: Call...
Japan: Call us social beings now!
April 1st marks a new academic year for students and the first day of work for the young, new employees. To distinguish them from the students, who don’t pay taxes and have no civic responsibilities, those who work and contribute with their job to ‘society’ are referred to as ‘social people’ - shakaijin in Japanese.
Trinidad & Tobago: Free Advice
This Beach Called Life has some advice for the new CEO of Trinidad and Tobago's Water and Sewerage Authority.
Trinidad & Tobago: Respect for Copyright
More Trinidadian bloggers speak out on the issue of copyright infringement, here and here.
Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica: Passing On
Trinidad and Tobago News Blog acknowledges the passing of George Daniel, Chairman of the Local Chapter of Disabled People International, while National Gallery of Jamaica Blog is saddened by the...
Bermuda: Get Back to Basics
“The violence is so alien to me that I am speechless. Is this Bermuda?”: Commenting on the latest murder, Vexed Bermoothes feels “very sad” for his country.
Japan: The meaning of globalization
Chikirin reflects upon the meaning of ‘globalization’ [ja]. She wonders whether it's really possible to call ‘global’ the Japanese companies, only because they export their products abroad, while their personnel...
China: Most influential most-read blogger
Being the world's most widely-read blogger seems to have made Han Han a candidate for the 2010 Time 100 list, though a certain amount of selection bias probably isn't hurting...
Indonesia: Sumatra quake reporting with Twitter
A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Aceh and South Sumatra in Indonesia early Wednesday morning. GV author Carolina Rumuat gathers disaster reports and twitter reactions from Indonesia.
Fiji: New media oversight proposed
Fiji's journalists have been working under tough conditions since the country's military government abrogated the constitution last year. Now, that government has released plans to oversee Fiji's media.
China: Anhui Elder Dies from Starvation
PH from veggie discourse translated a story about a 85-year old Anhui elder died from starvation. To this, village cadre Cheng Xiangan replied: “Who told him not to have a...