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Egypt: #Top50Eg Tweets Make a Difference

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Ethnicity & Race, Humanitarian Response, Humor, Technology, Travel

All of a sudden, my Twitter timeline was bombarded with the #Top50Eg hashtag [1]. This hashtag is used by Egyptian tweeps to refer to many Egyptian habits and customs. There are rumors that the whole thing started when Queen Rania of Jordan [2], aka the Royal tweep, endorsed the #Top50Jo [3] hashtag, and now Egyptian tweeps are adopting it for Egypt.

Ibrahim Abdel Fattah wrote a blog post here [4] about that hashtag saying:

There is really a great topic trending on Twitter which really has some extra cool quotes about things you might hear, see or feel in Egypt :D, check it from here [5].

Here are some of the interesting tweets:

2insana [6]:
جارتي خبطت عليا وادتني طبق كيكة وسلمت عليا وقالتلى انا بس عايزة اطمن عليكي ودعيتلي وقالتلى نهارك زي الفل .. هما دول المصريين :)
2insana [6]: My neighbor knocked on my door and gave me a cake, said hello, asked about me, prayed for me, and said good morning … Those are the Egyptians.
NadiaE: [7] Egypt climbs to tenth place in FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking.
btnafas7oria [8]: As [an] Egyptian citizen I [am] not allowed to enter the Pyramids!
ElBa7r [9]: فى مصر ممكن حلمك انك تطلع مخرج سنيمائي والتنسيق يدخلك حقوق ولما تتخرج تشتغل محاسب
ElBa7r [9]: In Egypt, you can dream of becoming a cinema director, your grades force you to go the Faculty of Law, and finally you work as an accountant.
Mkhaled1 [10]: Yesterday I was holding an empty can in the public transportation, some guy was like “isn't it empty!? threw it in the street!”.

And finally, the Egyptian blogger and tweep, Nadia El Awady, wrote a new post [11] and tried to collect all the good tweets under this hashtag.