Japan: How are the fishes after the tsunami?

Blogger Nishimura [ja] (from the southern island of Okinawa) explored the “near reef” to check the impact of yesterday's tsunami [en] on the local fauna.

1 comment

  • SZ

    After what happened today in japan, now i can say i completely lost the little hope i had left and actually the only thing i had

    these people who are governing us makes me cry and i am scared not for myself but for all of us, mother nature will never do such thing, mother nature gave us all these beauties who are part of our environment by asking us to take care of it, and manage these ressources well instead they are destroying everything we have, i feel seriously concerned, not only like the economical crisis was not enough, now we have conflicts in africa and the middel east and then a environmental disaster, i trusted those men and women in power and feel so disappointed

    we dont care who is right and who is wrong, we voted for you to represent the aspirations of the people, for god sake we are breathing the same air, we are only humans

    i am terrified, i wanna live, marry one day, have kids and see them growing, i dont wanna live in a world without conscience, without hope, without nothing, what is wrong with all of you

    You know, i have met people from all the world, in others words, every single party and opposition on this planet and if i succeeded to talk to all of them, why you cant? this is a mega huge historical political failure

    They are running for money and at the end of the day, we are sinking as we will all be bankrupt in a couple of months if they dont change the way you govern, you are the ones who have the power and you are the ones who have the responsabilities to act wisely for the good of all the people on earth

    Leave the past trouble behind, stop fighting, try to find a common ground and start building a better future for all of us hands in hands


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