Stories from 19 February 2010
Mexico: Critique of the Media Coverage of the “Narco War”
Daniel Hernandez of the blog Intersections critiques the media coverage of Mexico's “Narco War” and provides examples of some recent cases.
Iran: Cyber Islamic Militarism on the March
The internet is usually touted as a space for dialogue and peaceful exchange, but in the case of Iran, the political conflict has also morphed into new forms of online "warfare" where the most powerful weapons are those that silence free speech.
What Is Indian Culture?
Gaurav at The Undercover Indian Blog asks “what is Indian culture” while discussing the onslaught of bollywood culture, which is “beamed into every Indian house”.
Bangladesh, India: The Relationship Between Water Crisis And Migration
Sowmya Suryanarayanan at Strategic Foresight opines that the lack of freshwater resources in Bangladesh “is a massive threat and will remain a primary reason for cross border migration in the...
Sri Lanka: The Impending General Elections
Serendipity opines on the impending general elections in Sri Lanka.
Kenya: Walk Thru Black History Month in Nairobi
Walk Thru Black History Month will take place in Nairobi on February 27, 2010: “To honor Black History Month 2010, Paa Ya Paa has invited two distinguished African-American scholars from...
South Africa: Dare to be wise, Mr. President
Discussing South African politics on Thought Leader, Suntosh writes, “Dare to be wise, Mr. President”: But wait — was Zuma trying to hide his immaturity in matters of national governance...
Africa: Views on HIV pandemic lack logic
Simon argues that there is no logic in the received view of the HIV pandemic: “Something I have always found mysterious about UNAIDS’ view (it's something of a received view)...
Africa: Hidden Thoughts & Emotions on Love among African Bloggers
14th February, better known as Valentine’s day, the love mood was not only felt on the streets of Nairobi by the many red flowers, ladies dressed in all manner of red clothes, and offers in every shop.
Ghana: African programmers developing games for iPhone
In this post we are interviewing programmers Eyram Akorfa Tawiah from Ghana and Wesley Kirinya from Kenya who are co-founders of Leti Games, a Ghanaian start-up building games for the iPhone and other gaming platforms.
Macedonia: Official Website of Skopje Old Bazaar
Archaeological Diary informs [MKD] about the opening of the official website [MKD] for governmental Program for Revitalization of the Old Bazaar in Skopje, one of the most significant cultural treasures...
Ada Lovelace Day 2010
Ada Lovelace Day is an international initiative striving to increase content about achievements of women in technology and science, named after the world's first programmer Augusta Ada King, Countess of...
Haiti: Reading the Reports
Repeating Islands republishes segments of a report on HIV infections in Haiti, while Haiti Vox links to a story on “who's getting the first Haiti contracts”, saying: “It's important for...
Haiti: Moving On
“The men and women of Haiti are strong and ready to show the world that they can rebuild their country”: Wadner Pierre says that Haitians are ready to move on...
St. Lucia, Grenada: Water Crisis
Repeating Islands reports on water woes in the Caribbean territories of St. Lucia and Grenada.
Jamaica, U.S.A.: R.I.P. Rex
Both Labrish and Repeating Islands republish The New York Times’ obituary on the late Jamaican educator and choreographer, Rex Nettleford.
Azerbaijan: Breaking down stereotypes
Flying Carpets and Broken Pipelines blogger Arzu Geybullayeva comments on her audio interview conducted over Skype with Global Voices Online's Caucasus editor for Transitions Online. The blog says that communication...
China: Online poll manipulated?
ESWN translated a forum post on a online polling on GMO food. The writer noticed that within 2 hours at, the polling result changed from 36% pro VS...
China: A satirical guide for Fifty Cents Party members
C Custer from ChinaGeeks translated a satirical guide for Fifty Cents Party members (paid online commentators) on the many methods they can use to respond to criticism.
Russia: Is Suspended
The major Russian torrent (files exchange) service has been suspended due to investigation of copyright violations, RIA Novosty reported. The service continues to work via another domain.
Guatemala: Into the Capital City
Kara Andrade of New Maya writes about her recent trip into Guatemala's capital city, and writes “I grew up with a fear of Guatemala City as this monolith of chaos...