17 February 2010

Stories from 17 February 2010

Nepal: Solidarity With India

  17 February 2010

“When India suffers, Nepalis share the pain” says United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal. The blog talks about the recent terror attack in German Bakery in Pune, India, where...

India: Managing Mountain Waste

  17 February 2010

Caroline At India Climate Solutions writes about some “creative and passionate individuals committed to changing the waste cycle” in the mountains of Himachal Pradesh in India.

My Name is Khan – Cultural Politics in India

  17 February 2010

A look at the Hindi blog-posts related to the Bollywood film 'My Name Is Khan' reveals an interesting fact - that the reactions to this film have more to do with the cultural politics in India than with the aesthetic value of the film itself.

Anguilla: Elections Results

  17 February 2010

Corruption-free Anguilla reflects on the country's recent elections: “I am happy with the election results. I have no doubt that the Anguillian electorate has spoken loudly and clearly.”

Trinidad & Tobago: Saving Carnival

  17 February 2010

B.C. Pires links to a column by Mark Lyndersay, which, “if listened to, could rescue Trinidad Carnival for photographers; or at least stave off the death of yet another of...

Barbados, Canada: Sentencing Today

  17 February 2010

The convicted murderer of a Canadian tourist is to be sentenced today – Barbados Free Press is “hoping he rots in jail until he draws his final breath.”

Haiti: A Month Later

  17 February 2010

“The time has come for each Haitian wherever you are, and whoever you are to take a stand, and say ‘NO’ to the bureaucracy that worsens the situation in Haiti...

Pakistan: Let The Kites Fly

  17 February 2010

A Lahore Court banned kite flying in Punjab province of Pakistan in 2005 citing it as a dangerous game and deprived many residents of the joys of Basant festivities. Some bloggers felt that strong rules and regulations instead of outright ban could decrease the risks related to kite-flying.

Japan: Cool bizz campaign

  17 February 2010

Neojaponisme blogs about conflicts and challenges surrounding the cool bizz campaign in Japan. The campaign encourages white-collar workers to work sans jacket and tie in the summer months to reduce...

Burqa Strains Multicultural Australia

  17 February 2010

Since the proposed bans on the wearing of the burqa in France, the issue has been simmering in the Australian blogosphere. An Australian radio shock-jock, and ex-police officer, drew criticism recently over his opposition to the wearing of the burqa in public.

“SOS Internet Indonesia”

  17 February 2010

The Indonesian government plans to create a team which will regulate internet content in the country. The plan is to censor pornography, gambling, racism and other immoral content in cyberspace. But netizens are afraid that it might also stifle freedom of expression