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Egypt: Engulfed by Floods!

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Breaking News, Disaster, Environment

Over the past few days, several Egyptian governorates and cities have been engulfed by a severe wave of flash floods and heavy rains.

At Egyptian Chronicles, Zeinobia [1]reports:

Officially we have a catastrophe in Egypt whether in Sinai or Aswan. Mubarak has Aswan to see the damages there. The communications between the two cities and the outside world are nearly cut. The ministry of health has announced that 4 citizens were killed because of the floods where as 41 citizens have been injured . Of course these are the official numbers , we can expect much larger losses considering the fact there are missing people especially in Al Arish.

In an update, Zeinobia stated that the death toll has increased to 15.

The floods practically left many parts disconnected especially in Sinai.
Alanay [2], who blogs from Sinai, says:

على مدي الأيام السابقة انقطعت المدونة عن تغطية احداث السيول والفيضانات التى ضربت سيناء والعريش وذلك لانقطاع النت وانعزالنا في الشيخ زويد ورفح واليوم بدأت المدونة تغطيتها بعد عودة النت
“Over the past few days I couldn't provide updates on the floods that hit Arish and Sinai as the Internet was down in Rafah and Sheikh Zawyed. Will resume the updates today as internet connectivity has been restored”

In Sinai, where houses and vehicles have been swept away, people were angry as relief and support didn't arrive in a timely manner.

Sinai news [3] wrote:

تخطت كارثة سيول شمال سيناء الوصف حيث سادت أجواء من السخط الشديد على تأخر المساعدات الحكومية لسكان وسط سيناء والأحياء المتضررة في شطري العريش الذي بات التنقل بين نصفيه يعتمد على وسائل بدائية.
Sinai flash floods crisis created lots of disdain as the relief and aid for Sinai inhabitants who relied on primitive means of transportation to commute between middle to south and north Sinai.

Nawara Negam posted a few videos [4]on her blog showing the extent of the damage.

In an attempt to make up for the shortcomings in the government and official aid sources and aid relief efforts during crises, representatives from political parties and well as NGOs formed a committee to support the floods victims [5]. In their statement they mentioned that an aid convoy had set off to Sinai carrying urgent humanitarian needs:

تجهيز قافلة مساعدات عاجلة تحوي بعض المواد الغذائية والأغطية والمستلزمات الدوائية وذلك في المدة من اليوم 20/1/2010 وحتي صباح يوم 24/1/2010 ومقرر لها أن تتحرك مساء يوم 24/1/2010 ولمن يرغب في المشاركة في تجهيز تلك القافلة او المساهمة الإتصال بالأرقام الآتية :

0122259860 – 0122418128- 0106114257 – 0190611846 – 0101044264

An urgent aid convoy will be going to Sinai, laden with food, medications, blankets and covers. The collections are open from January 20 to 24, 2010. The convoy will move on the night of the 24th, and whoever wants to participate or donate please call the following numbers: 0122259860 – 0122418128- 0106114257 – 0190611846 – 0101044264