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Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Elects New Head

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Breaking News, Politics, Religion

The Muslim Brotherhood [1] has elected a new supreme leader – Mr Muhammad Bedei.

Muslim Brotherhood blogger Abdel Monem Mahmoud wrote about the election of the new leader at Ana Ikhwan [2] saying:

أنهت جماعة الإخوان المسلمين مسلسل لنتخاباتها والذي دار حلقاته طوال أربعة شهور مضت لتعلن الجماعة عن مرشدها الجديد وهو الدكتور محمد بديع أستاذ الطب البيطري – 67 عاما – ليكون المرشد الثامن في تاريخ الجماعة وأدي مهدي عاكف المرشد السابق للجماعة البيعة لخليفته أمام وسائل الإعلام
The Muslim Brotherhood has ended its elections that lasted for four months, and they have announced a new supreme leader, Muhammad Badei, a 67-year-old professor of veterinary medicine, to become the eighth leader of the group. The former leader of the group, Mahdy Akef, paid his allegiance to the new leader.

He then continued:

وأكد في بداية كلامه أن الإخوان المسلمين جماعة من المسلمين وليست جماعة المسلمين وأنها لا تحتكر الإسلام في تنظيمها

وانطلق بديع في كلمته أنهم يرون الأقباط شركاء في هذا الوطن وأن المواطنة لدي الجماعة أساس المشاركة الكاملة والمساواة في الحقوق والواجبات مؤكدا أن يدينون كل أنواع العنف الطائفي
The leader confirmed that the group is just a Muslim group, and not a group for Muslims, and it is not the sole representative of Islam

Badie continued to say that they see Christians are their partners in this nation, and that they believe that everyone should have equal rights and responsibilities, and then condemned all sorts of ethnic and religious violence.

Abul Maaly Fayek, who blogs at Lokmet Eish [3], wrote about the new leader's appointment, and how this is the first time a new leader is elected while the former one is still alive:

ويأتى هذا التنصيب للمرشد العام الثامن فى ظل المرشد السابق وهو على قيد الحياة حيث اعتادت جماعة الإخوان مبايعة مرشدها وهى تودع مرشدها السابق على المقابر،
The installation of the eighth leader comes this time while the former leader is still alive, while the Muslim Brotherhood group was used to elect a new leader while they were bidding farewell to their former leader on his way to the grave.

But it seems that, Cat of the Desert [4], has a different point of view:

واحب اضيف برضه انه صاحب 3سوابق فى عين الحسود اشهرها قضية سيد قطب سنة 65اتحكم عليه بـ15 سنة قضى منهم 9 سنين وباقى السنين قضاها مراجيح
طبعا كان لازم وحتما ولابد نرحب بالمخبر العام الجديد محمد بديع اللى الاخوانجية محتلين ما شاء الله كل المواقع الاخبارية وقاعدين يرحبوا بيه ويبايعوه وكأنه محمد الفاتح وجاى لهم بالنصر المبين .
I would like to add that he (Mr Bedei) was guilty in three past cases, the most famous one of this is the case of Sayed Qutb [5], in 1965, and he was sentenced then to 15 years in jail, and he has already spent nine years of them in prison.
We sure have to welcome the new supreme leader, who has been welcomed by the Muslim Brothers who are occupying all the news outlets, and they are all welcoming him as if he is a victorious leader.