11 January 2010

Stories from 11 January 2010

Bhutan: Media Growth

  11 January 2010

Tshering Tobgay informs that the growth in mass media and other media forms of Bhutan has been exceptional: “Books, magazines, websites, blogs, cinema, music, cable TV, and overall connectivity have...

Japan: Analyzing the Bathroom

  11 January 2010

Alastair takes an in-depth look at Japanese bathrooms from an architect's point of view – “Technology is at the heart of the Japanese bathroom. Speaking digital control panels in the...

Africa: Notes on Queer Africa

  11 January 2010

Gukira discusses an intellectual project on Queer Africa: “The kind of queer history I am envisioning might trace the history of the “unattached” in African ethno-histories.”

Bermuda: The Family Unit

  11 January 2010

Vexed Bermoothes suggests that the soaring crime rate might just have something to do with “Bermuda’s low marriage rate and the large number of children that are raised in lone...

Featured Author: Hisham

  11 January 2010

As a practicing medical doctor based in France, “Hisham” (Hisham Khribchi) is a Global Voices author for Morocco. He is also one of the founding members of the site Talk Morocco.

China: Bloggers’ Reviews of Avatar

  11 January 2010

James Cameron’s blockbuster, Avatar, was released in China on 2 January 2010, two weeks later than the rest of the world. It is proving popular among the Chinese people. Apart...