24 September 2009

Stories from 24 September 2009

Egypt: Blogging Farouk Hosni's Defeat

  24 September 2009

Egypt's Culture Minister Farouk Hosni has kept bloggers busy over the previous few days. His failed bid to secure a seat at the helm of UNESCO has polarised the blogosphere, with some even cooking up conspiracy theories to justify his defeat.

Harvard Forum – Faith and focus

  24 September 2009

Ethan's final live-blog post from the Harvard Forum about internet and communications technology ICT for development with concluding thoughts from several participants.

Cuba: activist arrested and released

  24 September 2009

Uncommon Sense reports the arrest and subsequent release of Cuban activist and journalist Belinda Salas Tapanes in Havana. “Salas is president of the Federation of Latin American Women (FLAMUR), one...

Barbados, Guyana: forest outpost?

  24 September 2009

Living in Barbados examines an audacious 16-year-old proposal to establish a Barbadian outpost in the interior of Guyana, thus addressing the problems of overpopulation in one country and underdevelopment in...

Africa: Africa Code Camp

  24 September 2009

An announcement of AfricaCodeCamp next month: “So on the 4th of October we'll get as many of these innovators as possible together in one place in San Francisco, to problem...

Iran: “Bloggers persecuted”

  24 September 2009

Reporters Without Borders informed us that Ali Pirhasanlou (Alpar), one of the first journalists to start blogging in Iran was arrested last week. This organization adds that Iranian authorities continue...

India: The Paradox Of Poverty

  24 September 2009

Smart Alec comments on the paradox of poverty: “India is indeed a rich country with a lot of poor people in it. And it’s these poor people who make rich...

Japan: The decline of the LDP

  24 September 2009

Observing Japan has an article explaining the decline of the LDP. The blogger points out that from the early 1990s until 2007 the LDP shifted not just from center to...