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Bahrain: One Ramadan and One Eid

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Bahrain, Religion

The beginning of the holy month of Ramadan [1] depends on the actual sighting of the new moon, resulting in different dates [2] for its start among the various Muslim sects. This year Sunni [3]s and Shi'ite [4]s in Bahrain kicked off the month on the same day – and one blogger celebrates this rare unity.

At Green Oasis, Ba7rani87 [5] [ar] writes:

اعترفوا يا أمة الخير بالذي حدث، بل اثنوا عليه ثناءً كما كنتم تفعلونـه عكسـه سنوياً كالامتهان والطعن فيهم، اعترفوا بالحق واشكروا الله ثم اشكروهم على هذا الموقف .
حرِّكوا السنتُكـم ايجاباً كما تُحركوها دوماً نحو السلب، تستحق هذه الصفحة ان نفتحها ونتوقف عندها وهلةً من الزمان، رُبما تكون عِبرَةً يتمناها المستقبل له . بعيداً عن رأي بعض المؤمنين الا ان رأياً ثابتـاً جاء هذا العام، عوضاً عن كل عام 3 آراء ليتقلص هذا العام الى رأيان، ثم ان هذان الرأيان هُمـا مفاصِل الأمـة تقريباً .
Admit what has happened and praise it just as you have been doing the opposite annually, where you would humiliate and complain about them. Admit the truth and thank Allah and then thank them for this situation. Move your tongues positively, just as you have been moving it negatively. This page, which has just been turned, deserves to be reflected on for some time. It may be the lesson we have been eager for in our future. Instead of having three different opinions, we have this year just two – and they are the opinions which separate our people.

On the agreement between the Sunnis and Shi'ites, Ba7rani writes:

اتفاق السنة والشيعة على رؤية واحدة لشهر رمضان موقفٍ مستحسن يجب ان نتوقف عليه كما كنا نتوقف على اختلافهم، فتوافقهم اليوم عنصراً ايجابياً استطاع ان يوحّد امـةً في شهرها بمناسباته ” بدايتـه – نص الشهر – عيد الفطر ” مناسبات تتوقف عليها الامة لتحييها فما اجمل ان تكون هذا العام في يومٍ ووقتٍ واحد .
The agreement between the Sunnis and Shi'ites on one sighting of the moon for the month of Ramadan is a commendable stance, which we should reflect on just as we scrutinise their differences. Their agreement today has been able to unite a nation in its celebrations during the month – its beginning, middle and Eid Al Fitr [6](which marks the end of the month). These are all celebrations marked by the entire nation and it is beautiful that the whole country will be commemorating them today.

Commenting on the post Ali Al Halwachi writes:

صدقت وااه أخي الفاضل، فكم محزنٌ أن يكون في البيت الواحد عيدين وصومين وافطاريين
You are right my brother. How sad was it for there to be two Eid celebrations, and two fasts and two Iftar [7]s (breaking of the fast) in one house.