29 August 2009

Stories from 29 August 2009

Russia: Satellite Pics of Traffic Jam Caused by Officials

  29 August 2009

LJ user travel_hunter (RUS) re-posts images of Yandex.ru maps showing an impressive amount of cars forced to wait until some high-ranking Russian officials pass an intersection in Moscow. LJ user dolboeb posts these images, too, and writes (RUS): “When you just get stuck in traffic caused by the passing of...

Russia: Two Photos of Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam

  29 August 2009

LJ user drugoi visits Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric dam, posts two photos and writes (RUS) about the colossal damage done to the facility on Aug. 17: “It seems that it's easier to build a new power plant than to clear up the huge amount of deformed metal and restore the turbine hall.”

Spain, USA : Artists (Dis)cover the Veil

  29 August 2009

Two recent events highlighting how artists look at the hijab issue inspired bloggers. Swiss motsd'images enthuses (Fr) about a beautiful outdoor photo exhibition of African women in Seville, Spain; and updateslive gives a thorough account of “The Seen and the Hidden, (Dis)covering the Veil,” an exhibition held in New York...

Guinea : Remembering Aug. 27, 1977

  29 August 2009

32 years ago, on August 27, 1977, the people of Guinea first rose up against the abuses of Sékou Touré's regime. Oumar, blogging (Fr) for Konngol Afirik at maneno.org, explains the background and speaks up for the duty of memory.

Hong Kong: Parents, don't get fooled by CCTVB!

  29 August 2009

The Libertines Pub comments on a local T.V's (TVB Jade Channel) news report regarding the public consultation on review of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The writer pointed out that the news was manipulated to create panic among our parents. The T.V company has been spoofed by netizen as CCTVB...