A battle appears to be brewing between a Trinidad and Tobago blogger and a local newspaper: the latter says that it will “exercise all its available legal options” unless kid5rivers apologizes for this post, in which he airs his opinion that the paper has become “a media house that no longer can be trusted to bark out the truth.”
What I find most amusing about this, being privy to some of the email crosstalk, is that the Guardian is oh-so-very-worried about this. I’m curious what the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) will make of this.
Will ponder some more. But I will write on this. I promise. And the way it is looking right now, the Guardian may try to browbeat me as well. ;-)
This sort of behaviour by a newspaper is what one would expect of repressive regimes like Iran, Russia, China etc. It’s a straight case of browbeating by the Guardian if you ask me.