Unknown to most Armenians, but loved by many Kurds for his songs sung in the Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish, Aram Tigran has passed away in Athens, Greece. Born in 1934 in Syria, Tigran's death has affected many, and not least those recognizing the important contribution he made as a cultural bridge between Armenians and Kurds. On 7 August, Kurdistan and Hayastan – Hand in Hand reported that Tigran had been rushed to hospital.
Aram Tigran, the famous Kurdish singer of Armenian origin, have been rushed to the hospital and there is almost no information on Tigrans condition.
His family were survivors of the Armenian Genocide and he is considered among the best of contemporary Kurdish singers and musicians.
The following day, Facebook status line updates passed on news that the singer had died. Gurgîn, a blogger of both Armenian and Kurdish origin, posted details (translation by Google with some editing for English).
Den berömda kurdiska sångaren av armeniskt ursprung kördes igår till akuten i Athen, vid 07.30 tiden var hans hälsotillstånd allvarligt, han blev på direkten hjärndöd och förlorade medvetandet helt och hållet. Utanför Van Gelismos sjukhuset i Athen så samlades hundratals trogna beundrare enligt Aknews för att visa sitt stöd, flera kända artister från Europa och Amerika tog första flyget till Grekland för att se efter sin vän. Tigrans kropp har nu förts till Amêd i norra Kurdistan (Diyarbakir, Turkiet) där han nu kommer att begravas.
Jag har tidigare idag talat med hans släktingar och jag förstår att de inte vill och orkar kommentera händelsen, han har lämnat efter sig två döttar och en son som förmodligen alltid kommer att definieras utifrån sin far.
Musiken han skapat har slagit rot i flera miljoner människors hjärtan i Mellanöstern men de underförstådda budskapen han sänt har aldrig riktigt slagit rot i folks tankar och handlingar.
Jag har i egenskap av halv armenier och halv kurd sedan en tid tillbaka identifierat mig med Aram som fungerat som en brobryggare mellan det kurdiska och det armeniska folket.
Jag tror verkligen på att han ensam har fört ihop två folk genom att ha använt sin armeniska bakgrund och sin kurdiska röst.
I have today spoken with his relatives and I understand that they do not want to comment on the incident, he left two daughters and a son who probably will always be defined by their father.
The music he created has taken root in several million people's hearts in the Middle East, but the implicit messages he sent has never really taken root in people's thoughts and actions.
I, as half Armenian and half Kurdish, for some time identified myself with Aram who worked as a bridge between the Kurdish and Armenian people.
I truly believe that he alone has brought together two peoples, using his Armenian background and their Kurdish vote.
Ianyan also posts an entry on Tigran and his legacy, while pointing out that online Armenian resources fail to include him in their lists of notable figures. Nevertheless, his message of peace and friendly relations between Armenians and Kurds was noted and conveyed by others on Twitter.
Aram Tigran 1934-2009. R.I.P.
great post, i loved him. the music of aram tigran have always been around us in kurdistan.
I hope that the armenians and the kurds can create some project in memory of aram tigran, so that we can increase our relations.
the kurdish people are well aware of theyr history, some kurds participated in the armenian genocide, that is something that the kurds today have condemned hundreds of times.
check this wikipedia article out about the kurdish recognitions: