A startling result of an online survey of more than 3,376 people published by Insight China magazine reveals that China's prostitutes are considered by some to be more trustworthy than its politicians, teachers and scientists!
The survey found that 7.9% of the respondents considered sex workers trustworthy, placing them third behind farmers and religious workers. A post on China Daily website says a result like this is surprising and embarrassing at the same time. The article analyzes the social background and reasons which lie behind the sex workers’ unexpected prominence on this list of honor and concludes that it reflects the government's indifference to, if not disregard of, citizens.
Generally speakingChinese local cadres report only to their superiors, and their appointment, promotion or removal has little, or nothing, to do with input from the community they are supposed to serve. So, the author suggests that efforts must be made to restore the government's credibility and the first step is to put an end to public servants being remote from the public interest. Chinese netizens seem in total despair as to the credibility of their government officials. The following is a selection of comments on the topic at SouFun.com:
Another netizen says:
Someone thinks that the current social context is the main cause:
A blogger named Zuiyanwulong posts a comment on Sina.com saying one party dictatorship is the root of bribery and corruption:
Besides the scattered thoughts, coherent opinions can also be found online. A blogger posts an article on the famous Chinese forum Xici.net saying that he worries about that the poll may show wider and deeper problems in current China- namely the social credit crisis:
The author continues:
In conclusion, he thinks it's society's shame:
Simultaneously, an English blogger looks on the positive side of the survey result and thinks that it indicates that worship of personalities now belongs in the past:
At least prostitutes work their butts off for an honest living rather than plundering the people who do work.
Edited by Bob Guy
doesn’t surprise me at all. Whenever there is a nation ruled
by buchnes of truculent dictators who muffle and trample the opposition, there is no way for its people to trust the athourity,even in the most democratic country of the world,
there are still people disbeliving the government.
btw, what has globalvoice done to my comment on
blog:han chinese’s prejudice and discrimination towards
Urighurs. Is this the way how you guys muffle people like
me ? huh ?
I do believe that government offical is of less trustworthy . however, through a survery just more than 3k pepole could show, teachters are aslo of less trustworthy, it is a question.
Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness.–Confucius