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Featured Author: Sara Moreira

Categories: East Asia, Timor-Leste, Blogger Profiles

This past week I was able to catch up with Global Voices author Sara Moreira [1] at the International School for Digital Transformation [2] in Porto, Portugal. Sara arrived to the program after spending several weeks in Dili, East Timor, the country whose blogosphere she dutifully covers [3] on Global Voices.

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Sara teaching young women computer engineering at East Timor National University.

She has worked as a professor at East Timor National University and was awarded computer equipment [4] from Hewlett Packard to help introduce more Timorese women to the fields of computer engineering and web design.

Make sure not to miss Sara's three [5]-part [6] series [7] commemorating the 9th anniversary of internet access in East Timor.