Japan: Japanese characters as ccTLD?

Motoko Hunt reports that a new conference is being set up to discuss Japanese ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain) issues. We'll be seeing ccTLD with Japanese characters, such as “xx.日本”. (日本 is ‘Japan’ in Japanese.)


  • I consider this a very stupid idea, because it’s just duplication of the current Japanese TLD. Nobody will be able to remember which is the right TLD if this is used. Moreover, it leads to inusability (just like our Umlaut-domain names in Germany, e.g. würstchen.de).

    There have also been discussions over here, if one could use .wien as a TLD. Stupid! wien is not top-level, but second-level of Austria (.at). If they need .wien as Domain, then wien.at has to sell subdomains!

    • Hello Stefan,

      It does seems to be more trouble than it’s worth.
      Because domain names are generally in English, I think that Japanese people never got into the habit of memorizing URLs – just a Google search term. Things might have been different if there had been Japanese domain names from the beginning but it seems too late for that now.

      BTW, Motoko also mentions the possibility of “.東京” (.tokyo in Japanese)!

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