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Congo Brazzaville: Disappointment at Presidential election

Categories: Sub-Saharan Africa, Republic of Congo, Citizen Media, Elections, Governance, Politics

Sassoun NguessoOn Sunday July 12th, people in the Republic of the Congo [1] voted in an election which opposition leaders boycotted [2] over allegations it would be neither free nor fair. Denis Sassou N’Guesso [3], who has ruled the Congo for about 25 years as head of state, is seeking another seven year term in power.

Despite protests from the opposition, election observers said the voting was peaceful, and that voter turnout was low. According to the main opposition, “90 per cent” of the country’s electorate did not go to the polls. Outgoing President Denis Sassou N’Guesso [4] and his Rassemblement de la majorité présidentielle (RMP) is widely tipped to win the elections [5] as the country’s electoral commission prepares to announce the results anytime [6] from Monday evening.

A BBC correspondent reportedly witnessed [7] “money being handed out at a polling station in the south of the capital, to people who later said they had been asked to vote for Mr Sassou-Nguesso.”

One election observer, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Agence France Presse, “There are more observers than voters.”

At the French news site France 24, a few commenters from Congo have expressed their opinions [8] on the election. Below is a selection of a few of them:

Maloumbi on voter intimidation:

Dans certain villages et districts, les populations ont vote sassou nguesso suite aux intimidations. mon frere Jean Ibinga dans le district de Nyanga a reçu 1.000.000 Cfa de la part de membre de RMP pour convaincre aux vielles personne d'aller vote moyenant une somme de 2500 cfa. Les elections ne ce sont pas passees d'une maniere convenable et certains prefets, deputes ont intimider la population de voter leur maitre Sassou. Pour moi c'est une election qui avait ete deja jouee a l'avance. Je demande a la communaute internationale d'anuler les elections du 12 juillet et oblige a sassou de faire un gouvernement national pouvant debattre les affaires du pays sinon il y'aurait une guerre dans le futur. l'opposition actuellement se prepare pour une eventuelle guerre.

In certain villages and districts people voted for Sassou Nguesso because of intimidation. My brother Jean Ibinga in the Nyanga district received 1 000 000 cfa [$USD1 800] from a member of the RMP to convince elderly people to go vote by giving them average amounts of 2500 cfa [$USD4.5]. The elections didn't take place in an acceptable manner, and certain prefects and deputies intimidated the population to vote for their ruler Sassou. For me this was an election with results that were known ahead of time. I'm asking the international community to declare the July 12th elections invalid and to force Sassou to form a national government capable of debating the country affairs, otherwise there's going to be a war in the future. The current opposition is preparing for a possible war.

Yoka from Pointe Noire on the low turnout:

je suis congolais et je réside à pointe noire (capitale économique du congo et deuxième ville du pays). Je peux vous dire que les bureaux de vote sont restés vide du matin jusqu’ au soir . les habitants de pointe noire sont fatigués, des promesses de mr sassou, alors que de cette ville qu’ est tiré le pétrole qui constitue la première richesse du pays. Plus de 95% des congolais n’ ont pas voté. c’ est une réalité que le régime brutal et absurde de brazza doit reconnaitre. Du coup son régime est illégitime. les congolais du nord, du sud, de l’ est et de l’ ouest ont dit NON à sassou.

I'm Congolese and I reside in Pointe Noire (the economic capital of Congo and the second city of the country). I can tell you that the polling stations remained empty from morning to evening. The inhabitants of Pointe Noire are tired of the promises of Mr Sassou while this city that extracts the oil that is the first richness in the country. More than 95% of Congolese haven't voted. It's a reality tha the brutal and absurd regime in Brazzaville has to recognize. Because of that his regime is illegitimate. The Congolese from the North, the South, the East and the West have said NO to Sassou.

An anonymous commenter from Kinshasa, in the other Congo, wondered:

Peut on frauder avec seulement 15% d'électeurs qui, si nous suivons les différentes interventions, ne seraient que les partisans du Candidat Sassou, les autres ayant opté pour le boycot de l'éléction?

Can one cheat with only a 15% of voter turnout who, if we follow the reports, were only supporters of the candidate Sassou, with the others opting for boycotting the election?


Oui tout n'est parfait ! Oui Sasou garde le pouvoir , Oui , il n'a pas fait du congo un paradis ! Mais qu'a fait l'opposition ? Quel projet ou proposition l'opposition congolaise a t’ elle soumis au peuple ? rien sauf le boycott ! qui n'est rien d'autre qu'une ouverture à Sassou pour gagner . Alors merci messieurs les opposants d'avoir aider Sassou à gagner sans difficultés . Arrêtez des bruits pour rien sauf pour distraire le peuple !

Yes everything is perfect! Yes Sassou stays in power! Yes he didn't make the Congo into paradise? But what did the opposition do? What project proposal did the Congolese opposition offer to the people? Nothing besides the boycott! Which is nothing but a cue for Sassou to win. So thank you gentlemen in the opposition for helping Sassou to win without any difficulty. Stop the noise about nothing but to distract the people!

brazza-brazza on the peaceful election:

Élection bidon, mais nous avons la paix. La paix des miséreux.
Comme Bongo, Sassou sera au pouvoir pour plus de deux générations. C'est normal; nous avons la paix. La paix des soumis.
Sassou pille le Congo. Mais nous avons la paix. La paix des affamés.
Nous vivons dans le caca. Mais nous avons la paix. La paix a plus de valeur que la dignité.
Vous a l'étranger vous ne savez pas ce que la paix vaut.
Je suis d'accord avec vous que la paix permet a Sassou de piller. Et alors? C'est normal qu'il nous pille. Il es africain et il est dictateur qui fait des élections bidon pour rester dictateur.

Phoney election, but we have peace. The peace of the poverty-stricken.
Like Bongo, Sassou will be in power for more than two generations. It's normal; we have peace. The peace of the submissive.
Sassou plunders the Congo. But we have peace. The peace of the famished.
We live in the shit. But we have peace. Peace is more valuable than dignity.
All of you abroad have no idea how much peace is worth it.
I agree with you that peace allows Sassou to plunder. So what? It's normal to be plundered. He's African and he's a dictator who has phoney elections to stay a dictator.

At the Libération website [9] Yanice 18 brought up Obama's recent speech in Ghana:

A peine hier, Obama a tenu un très bon discours sur la bonne gouvernance et la démocratie, aujourd'hui un autre autocrate africain se prépare à renouveler son bail au pouvoir pour 7 ans encore malgré ses déboires judiciaires relatifs à ses biens immobiliers en France. A voir la longévité au pouvoir, 25 ans, de ce président tout laisse à penser qu'Obama a prêché dans le désert.

Only yesterday Obama held a very good speech about good governance and democracy, today another African autocrat is preparing to renew his bail on power for yet another 7 years in spite of his judicial setbacks about his real estate in France. Seeing this president's longevity in power, 25 years, it looks like Obama preached in the desert.

And Saboun added:

Ré-election de Sassou Nguesso, aucune surprise. Je ne sais pas si vous avez remarqué, Obama n'a évoqué aucun pays d'Afrique francophone dans son discours, pure coincidence? J'en doute.

Reelection of Sassou Nguesso, no surprise. I don't know if you noticed, Obama didn't mention any Francophone country in Africa in his speech. Is this purely a coincidence? I doubt it.