30 June 2009

Stories from 30 June 2009

Guyana: Man in the Mirror

  30 June 2009

Guyana-Gyal thinks there just might be a little bit of Michael Jackson in all of us: “We might colour that bit a different shade, call it another name, but there it is…only difference is, between he and most o’ we, is that he coulda transcend the pain and sorrow of...

Serbia: History and architecture

Nothing against Serbia discusses Belgrade architecture and its influence by both Byzantine and nationalist heritage, illustrating his point with pictures and plans of the city's former main telephone exchange building.

Russia: Paradoxes of population growth

LJ user about:blank comments on [RUS] recent research comparing Russian population growth with average income in various regions and cities 1990-2009, coming up with the interesting result that the country's second and third cities, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novogorod, are making moderate progress in comparison to many other less developed...

Argentina: Kirchner Handed Defeat in Congressional Elections

  30 June 2009

The parliamentary elections held on Sunday, June 28 across Argentina have left a negative balance for the government of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and her husband Néstor. Their representation fell in both the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate. Their candidates were also defeated in many of the most heavily populated provinces.

Turkey: Pride March In Istanbul

Elizabeth is currently in Istanbul, and took part in its sixth LGBTT Pride March: “I took a lot of photos and copied down slogans: Susma, haykır, esçinseller vardir! (Don’t be silent, speak up: Queers exist!)”