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Confederation Cup: Egypt beats World Champions Italy in Football Victory

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Italy, Sport

Egypt moved closer to reaching the semi-finals of the Confederation Cup [1] after a famous 1-0 win over Italy, the world champions. After the match, many Egyptians took to the streets loudly beeping their car horns at midnight. Streets became crowded after traffic was light during the match. Young men were seen hanging from the windows of moving cars, cheering and waving Egyptian flags.

Twitter was almost as crowded as the Egyptian streets, but this time there were tweets during the match as well as after it. The tweets started to pour in after Egypt's first goal against Italy:

@Shokeir [2]: الهدف الأول لمصر —- مصر واحد .. إيطاليا صفر
@Shokeir [2]Egypt's first goal … Egypt One … Italy Nil
@diptychal [3]: Did Egypt really just score a goal against Italy? Who are these people and what did they do with our football team?

Non Egyptians and for sure Italians were there to comment on the match also.

@sleon [4]: Egypt again surprise the world, leading 1-0 against Italia.
@andresgalarza [5]: Egypt looking very, very solid. They're beating Italy 1-0.

The tweets related to the match were sufficient to bring Egypt as one of the main topics on twitter.

@Shokeir [2]: Egypt is on trending topics in tweeter.

During the last few minutes of the match, all the Egyptians fans were not able to wait for the referee's whistle.

@nawaranegm [6]: هو الماتش خلص؟
@nawaranegm [6]: Is the match over?
@Zeinobia [7]: @nawaranegm [6] not yet
@nawaranegm [6]: خمس دقايق
@nawaranegm [6]: Five minutes extra time

And finally the referee's whistle caused a real flood of tweets.

@Shokeir [2]@: مبرووووووك .. مصر واحد .. أيطاليا صفر — ماتش رعب
@Shokeir [2]: Congratulations … Egypt One, Italy Nil … What a match!?
@Lastoadri [8]: أنا حقيقى مش مصدقة ان مصر كسبت إيطاليا
@Lastoadri [8]: I still can't believe that Egypt has beaten Italy.
@Zeinobia [7]: We won we won we won Italy
@BooDy [9]: مش عارف اقول ايه، احنا كسبنا إيطاليا يا جدعان !
@BooDy [9]: I don't know what to say, we have beaten Italy guys!
@diptychal [3]: Egyptians are about to take to the streets cause the only thing that actually galvanizes us is winning a football match
@embee [10]: Okay… Winning was actually kind of cool.. Mommy screamed her head off for 40 seconds straight LOL
@Zeinobia [7]: Americans beware from the Egyptian National team
@Zeinobia [7]: Egyptians are so proud and happy with their wonderful football national team.
@HalaGorani [11]: I stand corrected! Egypt beats Italy in the Confed Cup. Wow.
@jpierre [12]: EGYPT WON!!! WE WON!!! Unbelievable. Can't wait for Italy vs Brazil!!! Hard luck Azuris
@Shokeir [2]: Changing the profile picture to Egypt flag
@embee [10]: Friend of mine watched the match in germany in an Italian Icecream shop.. bit suicidal :D
@gr33ndata [14]: We are the champions. Egypt vs Italy – 1:0
@mshakour [15]: YES! Egypt! Arrivederci Italia!
@Sandmonkey [16]: I am still unable to comprehend that we just beat Italy. ITALY. The world club winner. WTF? GO EGYPT!
@Lastoadri [8]: طب ايه؟ كسبنا وفرحنا. بيتك بيتك. كل واحد على شغله، على مذاكرته أو نومه. ماينفعش نضيع الوقت فى الكلام ع الماتش يا مصريين. فين الهمه فى المهم؟
@Lastoadri [8]: So, we won and cheered for a while, now guys everyone get back to his work, study or sleep. We can't waste our time speaking on a match.
@Zeinobia [7]: It seems that Cairo won't sleep tonight , I won't be able to sleep tonight because of the cars horns
@Shokeir [2]: خبر فوز مصر على إيطاليا يتصدر الأنباء في نشرة أخبار العربية
@Shokeir [2]: Egypt beating Italy is the main topic in Al Arabiya news channel headlines
@amansour87 [17]: شاب مصري بيعلق علي المباراة في الجزيرة : إيطاليا حبت تأكلنا بيتزا … أكلناها الرز !
@amansour87 [17]: An Egyptian guy commenting on the match on Al Jazeera News Channel: The Italians wanted to feed us pasta, but we fed them rice.
@sdorch [18]: Thank you Egypt for keeping the US “Mathematically” alive.
@MhdBadi [19]: I can't forget to say Congratulation Egypt .. They won with Italy (1 Egypt) (0 Italy) Really very nice .. GO GO GO EGYPT ..With Love <3