Paraguay: Animated Film “Sebastian's Voodoo” Wins at Cannes

Paraguayans are celebrating that one of their own, filmmaker and animator, Joaquin Baldwin, took home first prize in the Online Short Film competition held in conjunction with the Cannes Film Festival. The submitted film, Sebastian's Voodoo, was created using computer animation and beat out 9 other finalists during the online vote.

According to Baldwin's website, the 4-minute film can be summarized as: “a voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death.”

Ever since the film was named as a finalist, Paraguayan bloggers, such as Mike Silvero of Sin Ánimo de Ofender [es] began to back the film and to encourage votes. Baldwin utilized his Twitter account to provide updates on voting, as well as the announcement of the final results:

We won at Cannes! By a gigantic 2,100 vote difference! Check out the results at (follow the link below the banner)

José Ángel López Barrios applauds the choice and comments on his favorite aspects of the short film [es]:

Muy buena la selección… La animación tiene todo lo necesario, misterio, encanto, suspenso y una enseñanza.. La técnica y la iluminación van a la par, la compaginación de todo este material es posible gracias a las nuevas tecnologías que permiten el cauce creador hasta en ínfimos matices, por ejemplo las texturas… excelente selección!!!

It was a good selection… The animation had everything, mystery, charm, suspense, and a lesson.. The technical aspects and the lighting was on par, and the combination of all that material is made possible by the new technologies that allows the stream of creativity, even in the detailed nuances, for example, in the textures…. excellent selecion!!!

Another blogger, Carlos Rodríguez of Rescatar [es] thinks that Baldwin should be recognized for his talent, something that is overlooked in Paraguayan society:

En estos tiempos en que cuestionamos el mal uso del talento para hacer el mal, cometemos el error de minimizar a los que hacen un uso positivo de sus habilidades y conocimientos. Es momento de aplaudir a Joaquín Baldwin por su premiación en Cannes por dar una espectacular animación a un muñeco con piel de arpillera


Brillante Baldwin. No paremos hasta el Oscar.

In these times when we question the poor use of talent for poor reasons, we commit the mistake of minimizing those that use their skills and knowledge in a positive manner. It is time to applaud Joaquín Baldwin for his prize at Cannes and for creating a spectacular animation of a doll with burlap skin.


Brilliant, Baldwin. Let's not stop until winning the Oscar.

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