Jamaica: Dealing with Crime?

Jamaica Salt is not convinced by the National Security Minister's approach to solving crime.

1 comment

  • dave

    to do

    1) progressive taxation on income. the richer u are the more a percentage you should pay. people under $890,000 should pay no income tax. Percentage should go from 20 % to 45% if making more than 8.9 mil/year. The 25 % flat income tax and GCT dependence is a ridiculous state of affairs and no developed country does it. these are guestimations of what would be sufficent. The government keeps no statistics on wealth distribution in Ja or it is not publicly available and it takes outside bodies such as the World Economic indicators to state that the richest 10 % of Jamaicans have 36% of the cash, the richest 20% have 52% of the cash= one of the worst distribution of wealth in the world (85th out of 110)
    It seems we love Obama just for his symbolic skin colour and not his actual brain. Take at look at his mandate. Ja is on the opposite side.
    The tendency to class separation is proven to be inbuilt in capitalistic vehicles and this is the only solution. Capitalism s like putting Andre the giant in a room with 20 mini-mes.left alone and w/ no mini-me corporation the giant would 1st reduce their share of materials,then maybe enslave them, kill them and end up indirectly killing himself.

    At the same time coorporate tax should be decreased so that companies will reinvest. Special tax breaks to companies that profit share, hire the inexperienced and take on interns
    Ja and other problematic countries should try to get a couple years off from paying debt if a write off seems impossible

    2)use extra money to develop the infrastucture of schools until all equal to Immaculate and Campion as well as equally qualified teachers and modern educational techniques such as use of software

    3)construct 2 large juvenile centres at each end of Island = able to hold 4000 or so inmates, not for just punishment but for special education and rehabilation

    4)Have young students take preliminary psychiatric tests. those who score low: have disciplinary problems, attendance problems, learning problems sent to Juvie centre A with access to proper psychiatric treatment and behavior correction. the worst 10% as well as the criminally deviant should be removed from parents custody to juvie centre B (enforced boarding) and show improvements with periodicity.Parents should be analysed and counseled as well and show
    cooperation upon getting back child ( state sponsored version of The Nanny TV show)

    5)Have special graded course in high schools based on critical thinking about why it is fiscally impractical to have children out of wedlock , too many and too soon in a modern society. Schools should mandate say 2 out of
    8 courses be technical based. if theory based courses are failed to 17 yo
    then only technical skills and entrepeneural basics taught to up to 19yo

    6)audit and jail people who have too much material belongings and dont seem to have a legal means of getting such.

    7) reduce the sentences of convicts for non-capital crimes if they get educated and certified. make this even possible in the first place
    have prisoners work to make their own stay in prison comfortable. use the skills they garner to maintain govt vehicles, print license plates, etc

    8)Land grab or land lottery. Allow squatters and all those w/o land to have shares of larger unused private owned lands via eminent domain laws and public lands.cheap housing solutions do exist. no need for ghettos n projects.use prisoners here as well

    9)insure loans to small entrepreneurs.No corporate taxes until business is stable and profitable. develop systems for the ministry of Labour to identify areas not enough skilled workers are available, match opportunities to those who can take them

    10)separate musics into two classes: G for general audiences : taxed at 10%(concerts ,clubs, air play, recordings sale) and A for adult (explicit violence,language and sex) taxed at 30%: only indoors play(indoors includes stadiums), no radio play not even clean versions, none on public transport. Strict with heavy fines.No jailing only quick trip through court system.

    inclusive in plan: no death penalty, make mob justice at least shameful even punishable if not individually then take away some of community tax based benefits, no barbarianism and tribalism should be the message. corrupt cops and politicians should be dealt with harshly as traitors.
    red tape bureaucracy should be removed. Setting up business,selling/buying land/homes,should be simple processes
    Dismantle the military. there is no need for it.
    absorb some members into the police/security force and firebrigade

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