Health officials in China might be reading too much Michelle Malkin these days; following a decision to cancel all flights from Mexico, which then warned its citizens to stay away from China, authorities in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are reported to have rounded up at least 41 Mexican citizens, none of whom are said to be showing any symptoms of H1N1.
Portal news websites such as Global Times are closely reporting on all developments of the global endemic; in a story on the “dissatisfaction” expressed by the Mexican ambassador to China, Jorge Guajardo—who earlier suggested that H1N1 originated in Eurasia—at seeing Mexican citizens being singled out, readers have written:
When someone gets sick, out of concern for the health of others they should just stay put at home and take care of their pigs, not go around spreading the virus. And nobody invited you here, so it's better than you don't come.
With communicable diseases of this degree, we should quarantine anyone who comes under suspicion. If we suspect a bunch, then quarantine them all. With a population of 1.3 billion, I'd be fine if we quarantined a hundred of them.
Aye, enough already. They want to come to our country and make a mess, bust up our country, they're just really devious.
对于对中国如此敌视和不友好的国家,我们为什么要帮它?! 我们的外交人员究竟是干什么吃的? 为什么不能把所驻在国对我国的真正的态度反馈回来? 看来,我们政府这次五百万美元算是白花了。 应该追究我们的外派外交人员的失职!
With countries as hostile and unfriendly to China as this one, why should we help them?! Just what do our diplomats think they're doing? Why aren't they telling us what the real attitudes toward China are overseas? From the looks of it, that five million USD was a real waste. We should be calling for the dismissal of our diplomatic personnel posted overseas!
I can see why Mexican diplomats are “dissatisfied”, but this dissatisfaction is absolutely useless in protecting the lives of the people. That H1N1 spread so widely in just a few days just goes to show that the measures taken by their government aren't paying off.
Fire this ambassador and get a new one
Good job, you need to consider the lives and safety of the people. If the virus spreads to our country, will Western politicians come help us then? Pay them no attention. Putting a temporary halt to flights was the correct thing to do. The government has done an extremely good job this time, and I support them wholeheartedly.
To send them all home would be the best, but I support quarantining them. If they're not willing to go back though, what happens if it spreads? At this time, we should be thinking about the interests of the majority of the people. Even though we quarantined them, we are still treating them, and no thanks for it
Roll off back to Mexico!
Influenza has an incubation period, and even our own people are in quarantine, so what makes you so special?! What's more, the first case within China was one of you Mexicans! If you hadn't come, China's number of infected and suspected cases will still be at zero!!!!!
What's so wrong about thinking about everyone's safety? In times like these, where people are from isn't important. The Chinese people unlucky enough to be on the same plane as the infected person were quarantined too!! You haven't been infected with the virus yourself, have you?!
Another story from Global Times writes of netizen anger in response to the Mexican Foreign Minister's warning for his country's citizens to stay away from China; other comments there read:
Dear All Netizens: Hello.
Do you represent all Chinese people now? How much do you actually know about the reality of China? Do you think anyone can use lines like “Mexican foreign minister: ‘tourists advised not to go to China’, Chinese netizens enraged”? I'm also a netizen, but I still don't see what you're talking about. Just saying, Global Times…………….
In emergency situations, it doesn't matter what other people say. What matters is the safety of the nation's people. That's my opinion.
Over at NetEase, news that H1N1 has now passed from a human to pigs on one farm in Western Canada has received over a thousand comments; those currently being highlighted read:
Craziness, but is the problem with pigs or with people?
The world's pigs are terrified: “people flu is coming”
I think I read before that if passes to pigs, it can mutate. Canada's in trouble.
Ah, so it's the pigs’ fault?
Specialists who said pigs couldn't catch this virus must be blood relatives of pigs themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be so clear on the subject!
Typical of NetEase readers, sarcastic comments further down appear to be in reference to the health official mentioned above, someone it seems who was quoted as saying that a virus such as H1N1 could not be jump species between humans and pigs:
Pigs and people are closely related! That's why the two can easily cross-infect each other! Haven't experts said so? Or are they keeping something from everybody? Even a non-expert like myself knows this, so why aren't you experts saying it? Could it be you're afraid to?
Pigs and people are blood relations! That's why the two can easily cross-infect each other! Haven't experts said so? Or are they keeping something from everybody? Even a non-expert like myself knows this, so why aren't you experts saying it? Could it be you're afraid to?
The blood of pigs and people is thicker than water! That's why the two can easily cross-infect each other! Haven't experts said so? Or are they keeping something from everybody? Even a non-expert like myself knows this, so why aren't you experts saying it? Could it be you're afraid to?
Pigs are the public servants of the people! That's why the two can easily cross-infect each other! Haven't experts said so? Or are they keeping something from everybody? Even a non-expert like myself knows this, so why aren't you experts saying it? Could it be you're afraid to?
Pigs serve the people! That's why the two can easily cross-infect each other! Haven't experts said so? Or are they keeping something from everybody? Even a non-expert like myself knows this, so why aren't you experts saying it? Could it be you're afraid to?
IF our country would try to even quarantine ANY Chinese… you know the Chinese Government would throw a fit (would be MAD)
I agree on protecting people everyone no matter who… But I am NOT going to stand here an let you hate on Mexicans. WE MEXICANS just like CHINESE only want to work and make our lives better (that includes everyone on earth too)…. you should be worried about North Korea Worry about that worry about recycling in your own country STOP polluting. China has surpassed their own pollution. Should we NOT allow Chinese any where because their people pollute and not care for the environment??? Answer: NO NO NO NO NO NO
Being a Mexican myself I LOVE China but all you senseless bastards (NOT all of you) are not making it easy for me.
I don’t think China just pick on Mexicans for quarantine. China has over 1 billion people, imagine if there’s an outbreak! [yikes] It is for safety but not for personal reasons. Other countries freak out too about this swine flu, not just China.
I feel like for any got infected and my heart goes out to the ones that passed away because of this disease. Mother nature can be merciless at times. . .let’s all pray for a better (regardless of which religion) world
correction: ” I feel like. .” should be “I feel BAD. . . .