The Unapologetic Mexican thinks that the controversy around a recent Burger King advertising campaign should be targeted at how Mexicans are being portrayed, rather than the criticism of how the Mexican flag is being used.
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »The Unapologetic Mexican thinks that the controversy around a recent Burger King advertising campaign should be targeted at how Mexicans are being portrayed, rather than the criticism of how the Mexican flag is being used.
I believe this ad shows just how little respect some corporate pigs have. Willing to deface something all for a risky marketing campaign that will “supposedly” bring them massive amounts of money. I’m Mexican and I do not believe I fall into this stereotype burger king is trying to create, I am far from it. This Ad boiled the blood in my veins. This is offensive and outright disgraceful
I loved it. It’s dead on. I’m tired of living in my own country legally and having some mexican defector flaunting a mexican flag in my face and knowing very well what they’re doing when they do that.
No one should disrespect the laws of the land, but this is disrespectful, I am a american mexican, an I can’t believe how ignorances can go so high, my son an I were just talking about how much we enjoyed burger king when he was little, an how he had just had a whopper today an how tasty it is. We were speaking on why I used to take him there, because of the grilling helping the patty to lose all the grease in it, an how it gives the hamburger such a good flavor. If you travel throughout the world, you will see that people love mexicans, an the language is much more prevelent than any other language. Too bad the ignorance has been allowed to be in such a high position in burger king. I happen to love white people an black an asian an korean, everyone. Im from Los Angeles, an in all our schools we have a bouguet of people always in our lives. So we dont really adhere to any of this nonsense.
I am a american, with the mexican heritage, I love burger king, an so do my children, too bad they have such ignorance in such high places. I love all people, I am from Los Angeles, which means the city of angels, Los Angeles is a great place to live, the people here grow up in classes with every nationality you can imagine, an we learn to love an care for everyone, but this is a bit stupid, especially when you are trying to sale hamburgers, good luck with the future sales, an thank God mexicans are a peace loving people, thats why mexico never puts its people in the meat grinders for war, to make men richer. And we dont go around killing or burning up places to prove a point, we just talk an pray. I love my white friends an black friends an koreans an etc; etc; God help us all, that we would all grow up.
Wow, Burger King all over just keeps offending. In the US, two recent ads have also caused outrage.
Whopper “virgins”:
Spongebob Squarebutts commercial: