Eusebia discusses the recent speech by the Deputy Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, “The speech was so full of truth that it made me realise that at least we have one man in the coalition government who has the intelligence to objectively evaluate perfomance of the coalition government and point out exactly were they are going wrong.”
i am a zimbabwean living in the diaspora and i would like to know if now is the time to come home and rebuild our beloved country or is it too soon
i’m a zimbabwean currently staying in south africa pretoria. To my opinion the deputy prime minister is not effective. So far so good we haven’t heard anything or haven’t seen some action from him eversince he has been appointed into the office. MR. Biti who holds a smaller position than what Mutambara does is playing a big role in this unity crippling government.
there is no change in zim,we need to see it and see zimbabweans goung back ti zimbabwe than being insulted here in other countries.