China: Official story on Tibet

David Bandurski from China Media Project reports on the Chinese government's propaganda campaign on Tibet and the trip of “Living Buddha” to north America, but all effort seems to be in vain.

1 comment

  • supersaint

    What the Chinese government is doing right now is following the path of al jazeera by providing an alternative coverage to those who would like to have a different view from those biased western media such as CNN. I believe both media are craps as they are biased in both extremes. They are either pro China or pro western media.

    We urgently need a true media which is unbiased in reporting real events happening around us. So far, we have none as all the media coverage are channeled towards their own country’s propaganda and benefit. How many of us here have really seen an innocent tibetan been killed by chinese police? I bet none of us here have ever step foot in tibet before. All the stories we get are from people claimed to be inside tibet. How would you be sure that these people are not lying and maybe they have bad intentions after all?

    Those whom are caught by CIA and held up in Guantanamo Bay have you question their validity like how you did to tibetans? How about those so claimed to be Chinese spies? Are they really a spy or just a bluff by US government?

    I would urge everybody not to be hypocrite by instilling values and believe that you yourself do not practice. There are many instances where the western government do not practice what they preach. An example is globalisation which you have been fighting for decades earlier and abandoning now because it does not in favour to you. The second is Protectionism where you harshly criticised us during Asian financial crisis. Now, you are lobbying for a protection bill to be passed. Lastly is the bailing out of rotten companies. You kept lecturing us about the danger of giving life line to unscrupulous companies that will defeat the free market economy. Look at what you are doing to all the bailouts!

    Just for the sake of argument, if in the near future your country would be in the midst of collapsing, your territory is divided, only then, we use the same medicine you gave us by instilling hatred to break your country, would you still hold to your believe? Will you praise us and let your country split up?

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