26 March 2009

Stories from 26 March 2009

India: Vlog of a Mumbai Youth

  26 March 2009

Rahul Katyayan scripted, shot and directed a movie on his life in Mumbai and posted in his blog. The movie (vlog) was made for American students who wants to know...

Bangladesh: Independence Day

  26 March 2009

On the occasion of the 38th birth anniversary of Bangladesh, Unheard Voice lists 10 remarkable events for pre-independence and post independence eras each.

Global Voices Book Challenge – Read Your Way Around the World!

  26 March 2009

April 23 is UNESCO World Book Day – and just because the Global Voices team loves blogs, doesn’t mean we have forgotten other forms of the written word! In fact, because we think reading literature is such an enjoyable way to learn about another culture, we have a fun challenge for all Global Voices contributors and readers, and bloggers everywhere.

Mexico: Unsolved Feminicide Along the Border

  26 March 2009

Violence along the United States - Mexico border has reached staggering levels. The killings in border cities like Ciudad Juárez has already totaled 400 in the first two months of 2009. More than 370 women have been murdered in the cities of Juárez and Chihuahua “without the authorities taking proper measures to investigate and address the problem.” This crisis, often called feminicide, has been a cause for organizations and blogs to take to the internet to help raise awareness to the plight of the victims and their families.

Cuba: Antúnez Update

  26 March 2009

Diaspora blogger Uncommon Sense says that the Cuban authorities have “taken its fight with…dissident Jorge Luis García Pérez (Antúnez) to a new, more frightening level.”