A cross-generational debate over the value of art, and culture in general, has arisen among users of the social bookmarking service Hatena. The debate, originated by an anonymous entry titled: ehm… Isn`t it weird the idea that we have to pay money for music?, has brought many bloggers to ask themselves questions about the necessity of paying for what is considered to be an artistic product (a song, an image, a video etc.), especially now that free services like Youtube or the Japanese Niko Niko Dōga are available.
After all, you only need to have a look on Niko Niko Dōga or Youtube to see that there are people who distribute original songs for free. And they are so many that I can't even understand why [they do it].
Although for many “free music” is fine, isn't it strange that convenience stores and TV programs so often push people to pay to listen to music?
Well, of course now someone will say “[if they don't get paid] musicians cannot make a living”. […]
But, on the contrary, hasn't the concept of “making a living out of music” been the exception so far?
Leaving aside the idealizations, the idea itself of making money from music is fundamentally weird.
These words roused the indignation of another anonymous blogger, who, apparently belonging to an older generation, still believes in the “art for art's sake” ideal.
So I tried with some examples to make my counterargument easier [to understand], but nothing worked.
– “Ballet, kabuki, theatre, opera etc., what about these?–> I don't care, I don't need them”.
– “But, in this way, the arts and the cultural expressions in general will disappear… –> Where is the problem if they do?”
Those were her replies.
Even if they don't actually produce any culture, they are the ones who will make it die.
The reason is [found in the belief] that “things must be useful”, that “seeing [a work of art] doesn't mean much”.
Why wouldn't they be willing to pay money for art?
There is no doubt that the recession carries its weight, but there is the risk that believing that “because of the bad economy it is obvious that culture disappears” ends up being common sense.
More optimistic viewsc ome from another commentator.
But it is fine also if they don't understand; “culture” won't disappear regardless.
In ancient times as well as today, for free or for a small payment, it has been and will always be possible to listen to music or admire paintings, to enjoy and buy “cultural things”.
The people who really want to see quality stuff will pay for it.
Download play. By Flickr user id:ysano.
Lastly, blogger he-na-he-na wonders if the worsening of economic conditions will cause a cultural gap, besides the social one, already very wide in most of the countries.
However, if, as has been the case in the past, the actual spiritual leaders end up being those thinking that “the wealthy persons should be the ones who pay and are active in education and culture”, on the contrary, those who don't pay may become the heretics who don't follow the trends. And I wouldn't be surprised if they were regarded with disdain, treated as though they belonged to lower levels of the intellectual class.
1 comment
Having seen the screenshot of Nintendo DS above, a thought crossed my mind. Can a game title be classified as a cultural product? Most of the games I know are packed with numerous state-of-the-art music you wont find on your ordinary TV or radio. Not to mention the remarkable visual arts created by video games artists, whose names are less, or not at all, familiar to man in the street.