Last week the story of Grass Mud Horse has traveled to the U.S.A via the New York Times and re-imported back to China with new ideas for reproduction, such as the marriage of two legendary creatures: Grass Mud Horse and FaKe Squid into FaKe Mud Horse.
As imagethief pointed out, the New York Times may have over-interpreted the Grass Mud Horse for criticizing the repressive censorship mechanism. Instead of mechanical blocking, there are some other soft tactics (summarized by “The Seven Possible Fates Of An Internet Post”), and the Chinese censor team is ready to show how with its latest notice about “Grass Mud Horse”.
The administration's notice to forum managers has been tweeted and re-tweeted many times in twitter:
I searched through Baidu, and found two forums posted the administration body's notice. MaJia One put up a a post in lehu BBS:
Master Lao Ke posted the notice in's game BBS and warned others:
I believe all of you are good subjects, right?
There are a number of comments:
大魏镇西将军郝昭:政治高度了。。。真是防民之口,甚于防川 啊。。。
成步堂·龙一: 主要是标题里不要出现太多不和谐内容,我会重点照顾一下标题党
6912214: 内部矛盾遇到外部矛盾自然要让步,再怎么也不能让那些境外媒体利用了
超级机战饭: …文字狱就是这样的
巴鲁巴托斯: 悲剧。。。唉。。。难道要政治镇压=。=?搞文革?
It may be true that the Grass Mud Horse has been politicized in the past two months, but such politicization is made possible by mass participation of netizens, intellectual, new and old media workers, both from within and outside China. And the most crucial role is played by the Chinese censor / river crab, without which the Grass Mud Horse is nothing more than a dirty joke.