“HELP!” is a new Lebanese film addressing sex, prostitution, drugs and homelessness. Mazen posts about the the Censorship Department in the General Security withdrqwing its permission for the planned screening of the movie during February 2009.
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Learn more about Lingua Translation »“HELP!” is a new Lebanese film addressing sex, prostitution, drugs and homelessness. Mazen posts about the the Censorship Department in the General Security withdrqwing its permission for the planned screening of the movie during February 2009.
1 comment
The Voice is Reached
Banning the movie has sent a stronger massage than it was expected. Everyone will want to know what the movie is about and will try to get a pirated copy of it. So definitely the impact will be greater and the voice will reach stronger than it was supposed. It’s high time the Lebanese quit living in denial and face the social problems that lurk under. Isn’t dealing with these issues healthier to us and our future generation?