CECA? A new game console from Japan or another evil science project that is going to bring this world to an end? All wrong, but according to the Government, CECA is coming to save Taiwan's economy from drowning in global financial crisis and the greatest recession in 50 years. However, most people still have no idea what CECA is, and like all the other issues, it is quickly politicized as a new media battle ground set for the continuous fight between KMT, the ruling party, and DPP, the major opposition party.
CECA stands for Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement, which is all about cutting tariff and accelerating cross-strait commerce. DPP strongly opposes signing CECA with China and says that this is another big step torwards the tragic reunification with Communists China, while KMT denies the accusation and defends CECA with the reason of rescuing Taiwan's worse economic performance ever.
Bloggers again try to ask key questions and dig into the issue in their own capacity. Ashinakhan asks “What is the relation between CECA and ASEAN+3 ?”
But what I don't get is how will Taiwan be marginalized if we don't sign, and how not to be if we sign? See the Faq from CW Magazine:
Therefore, right now the Government wants to sign CECA so that Taiwanese goods can enter China freely and then sell to the free trade zone inside countries listed in ASEAN+3 in order to share the same competitive conditions.
Round and round. So CECA does not equal to zero tariff between ASEAN+3 and us automatically, but it means that we can use the FTA between China and ASEAN to do entrepot trade. Alright, if Taiwan cannot sign FTA with ASEAN on our own(why?), and this method really works that China is willing to consecrate itself to Taiwan, why not?
Ashinakhan continues with another question:
可是,有沒有人聽過什麼叫Rule of Origin(原產地規則;RoO)?
The RoO inside ASEAN requires 40% of a product should be homemade. As far as I know, the rule is the same between China and ASEAN. So, the business opportunity of using China as a window to enter ASEAN market is never possible for Taiwan. The only way that one can benefit from this opportunity and to be competitive is to uproot the whole industry and move the supply chain to China. Is this the way to save Taiwan's economy? Is this the way to reduce Taiwan's unemployment rate? From my worrying perspective, Taiwanese businesses will move west(to China) faster and the unemployment rate will jump from 10%!
ChairmanCat writes:
近日在台灣政壇引起重大爭議的CECA, 到底要不要列入第三次江陳會的議題中,政府又不同調了。2月18日的新聞中,江丙坤說在第三次會談中不簽,但是到了2月24的新聞,高孔廉卻說CECA簽署可列入會談,顯然這個政策的推動,一方面要面對中國的壓力,另一方面反對黨又擺出不公投就反對到底的態度,顯然進退兩難了。
And he goes on denying what some people say that CECA is a purely economic issue:
Squidy argues the ignorance of most Taiwanese people on CECA:
今天看到一份報紙說在台大學堂裡 大多數學生並不清楚CECA是啥
但問到說贊不贊成簽CECA 幾乎一半人都舉手贊成
我倒想問問這些學生 你舉手是怎樣 不清楚CECA 就只會跟著舉手嗎
I want to ask these students what the hell are you raising your hands for? You know nothing about it but you are in favor of it?
“NewsTalk”, the official blog of Public Television Service(PTS)'s political commentary program, discusses this topic and update many clear introduction slides(zh).
GoodMind explains the core concept of CECA and then asks who is blocking Taiwan from the beginning:
Jack at Buycar feels puzzled:
But the Old Grandpa said something to me that impressed me hard: “Taiwanese want their economy be saved right now, and who cares about the names and titles?”
ShoeiCheng reminds us President Ma's campaigns before elected: