Truth and freedom of speech and opinion seem to be victims of the political crisis that is now crippling Madagascar.
Threats are being made and rumors being spread, all contributing to a climate of terror that prohibits peace and normal life.
Jentilisa, a blogger who has not given his support to Andry Rajoelina's protest movement, reports receiving threats:
“Alina fahatelo aho izao no misy fanelingelenana (harcelement nocturne)(amin'ny 12 alina, 2 ora, 4 ora ary @ 5 sy sasany maraina) amin'ny alalan'ny antso finday hatrany ary tsy menatra ny mampiseho ny laharan'ny findainy izy nefa rehefa antsoina tsy mamaly.”
Les Nouvelles report attacks on the home of Lala Rasendrahasina ,the leader of the FJKM
(Fiangonan'i Jeso Kristy eto Madagascar - Association of Protestant Churches in Madagascar). The FJKM is now serving as mediator in the negotiation talks between Ravalomanana and Rajoelina, in the power struggle that has paralyzed the island since January. The FJKM was seen by some as being too close to Ravalomanana.
“Finalement, ils ont essayé de repérer les assaillants en scrutant prudemment l’extérieur, mais impossible pour eux d’identifier qui que ce soit. Au hasard, l’un des agents a visé sur une ombre, et son tir s’est avéré suffisant pour faire fuir les agresseurs.”
News2Dago does not find these attacks surprising:
“Manarak'izany dia mitohy hatrany fampihorohorona ny olona mpanelanelana ankehitriny satria dia nisy nitoraka sy nihaodihaody ny manodidina ny tranon'ny filohan'ny Fjkm Lala Rasendrahasina. Tsy mahagaga izany satria dia dradraina ao @ radio viva isan'andro oe mpiray tsikombakomba @ mpitondra jadona.”
The Order of Malagasy Journalists calls its colleagues
“for more restraint and to stop the hatred, incitement, rumors and misinformation in their news items and editorial line.”
Some journalists have been heard inciting mobs to hatred on various radio stations, especially the TGV VIVA radio station. Journalists have shamelessly designated some individuals as “Enemies of the People”, while giving information on their homes and license plate numbers on the radio. These “Enemies of the People” are then targeted by mobs and their homes are burned down or looted.
“Mba meteza kely fotsiny eo @ toeran'ireo voaromba ireo mpanao gazety manondro molotra ireo mba manana vady aman-janaka ihany. Ovay ihany koa ny fomba fanao fa mbola tsy tara. Tao aorinan'ny 17 janoary no nankaty izao dia maro ireo olona voaroba. I Moxe Ramandimbilahatra, nanaraka azy omaly i Eugène Randriamiandrisoa teo koa i Saholimalala izay mpanolotsainam-paritra ny antoko Tim dia farany izay natao antsoantso omaly t@ radio viva dia i Jaquot ny tarika Green. Lazaina fa fahavalom-bahoaka daholo ireo olona ireo dia robaina ny fananany.”
On Wednesday, Ravalomanana organized a rally attended (according to AFP) by 30,000 supporters (according to DW the number was 50,000).
The rally was deemed successful, as people came in droves despite pouring rain, as reported by tgoose.
“Finally! the incumbent speaks up and his people show Madagascar and the world that they are not interested in a new government being forced upon them. I was really starting to wonder what Ravalomana could do. I hope this is the beginning of a realisation for the Malagasy people… Wouldn’t that be great?
There was about 30,000 people inside of the arena and about 10,000 outside of the arena, all standing in the rain supporting their country and democracy. Most inside where shouting “Arrest TGV!” repeatedly (which is not a bad idea) and carrying around banners that say “Tsy Mila TGV” (We dont need TGV)!”
Singers were invited to perform, among them Samoela, whose song “President” seems now prescient in describing this power struggle:
“si je serai président par hasard
nous on saura jamais,
seul dieu le sait
mais s'il mettra un conard au pouvoir
j'aimerai bien m'y voir”
“if I become president by chance
we never know
only god knows
but if he makes a jerk president
i'd really like to see myself in that position”
Other artists declined at the last minute, citing threats from the Andry Rajoelina TGV camp, while it was reported that journalists tried their hands at intimidating artists to stop them from participating in the incumbent president's rally.
“Rolly Mercia du quotidien La Vérité aurait déclaré sur la radio Viva que les artistes qui se produiront à Mahamasina pour la contre manifestation pacifique, pourraient avoir des répercussions sur leur carrière professionnelle. L’animatrice de Viva aurait aussitôt donné une liste de noms d’artistes censés se produire à Mahamasina.”
A comment, by Razz, severely criticizes those who attended the Ravalomanana Rally:
“Faut-il rappeler que cette fête que le parti Tim compte tenir à Mahamasina se passe au moment où les citoyens malgaches sont encore en douleur suite à la tuerie volontaire d’une centaine de personne trois jours plutôt à Ambohitsorohitra. Par ailleurs, le show artificiel de Mahamasina coïncide à la commémoration de la date d’assassinat du colonel Ratsimandrava le 11
février 1975. De qui se moque-t-on ? « Seuls les ‘danseurs de nuit’ (mpamosavy) qui jubilent et s’éclatent sur la douleur et le décès de leur voisin », s’indigne une mère de famille habitant dans un bas quartier de la capitale pour faire allusion au show de Ravalomanana à Mahamasina”
Worse, some in the South of Madagascar warn that some are ready to launch ethnic fighting.
“Nanaitra ihany anefa ny fitarainan'ny loholona voafidy sy voatendry avy any fa misy ny mikononkonona ady an-trano (fomba filaza ampahibemaso ny hevitra ambadiky ny ikonokononana fandrobana fa ankehitriny kosa tadiavina hanaovana fandripahana ny Merina – sy ny Betsileo – monina any amin'iny faritra iny). Efa nisy anefa ny olona milaza (na mieritreritra) fa tena ao anatin'ny teti-panorona mihitsy io fandripahana olona toy izay nitranga tany Rwanda namonoan'ny Hutu ny Tutsi tamin'ny 1994 io.”
In these uncertain times, no real objective news is available, and the propaganda machines are spreading mad (or not so mad?) rumors that contribute to a climate of terror and uncertainty on the island.
Rumors that Ravalomanana has fled the country, rumors spread back in January:
“Unconfirmed reports claim that Andry TGV told the crowd that President Ravalomanana left the country.”
Rumors on protesters of both camps being bribed:
“Les manifs sont devenues une source intéressante de revenus en ces temps de crise économique d’autant que les deux partis n’hésitent pas à payer.
“Pour la ville d’Antanifotsy, trois cars sont partis ce matin en destination du stade Mahamasina. Les personnes à bord ont déjà empoché 75.000 Fmg par tête, selon les témoins oculaires sur place. Dans la capitale, des chefs dans l’administration ont mis une pression à leurs subordonnés pour se rendre à Mahamasina. “
This website posts a picture of a certain blue car from which TGV supporters would have received money on Saturday February 07, 2009, before the bloodshed.
Other alarming rumors keep swirling:
Rumors about looters and proTGV protesters getting ready to destroy whatever is left of Ravalomanana's stores in Antsirabe:
“Araka ny fanampim-baovao azoko dia ny karana sy izay olona rehetra niara-niasa tamin'ny TIKO rehetra no nokasaina horobaina tany Toliary sy hovonoina mihitsy. Re ihany koa fa miomankomana ihany koa ny jiolahim-boto na mety ho mpanohana ny TGV na mpandroba tsotra handroba sy handoro izay sisa tsy potika sy tsy may tamin'ny fananan-dRavalomanana Ao Antsirabe ao amin'izao ora hanaovana fanampim-baovao izao (10:30 eo amin'ny piste fanaovana hazakazan-tsoavaly ry zalahy amin'izao fotoana izao ho an'izay mahalala an'Antsirabe). Efa nampitandrina anefa ny mpitandro ny filaminana fa hitifitra avy hatrany ry zareo na tsy “zone rouge” ary ny toerana kasain-dry zareo horobaina sy odorana.”
Rumors that the French envoy has called Andry TGV “president”, and rumors that the French Embassy has denied his having done so :
“L’Ambassade de France aurait démenti les propos d’Andry TGV tenus sur la place du 13 Mai hier. Celui-ci avait déclaré que durant les entretiens d’hier, Mr Joyandet l’aurait salué en utilisant le terme de “Mr le Président” “
Rumors on Andry TGV being the target of mercenaries (spread by Andry TGV himself):
“Andry Rajoelina a été victime d’une attaque des mercenaires sur la route digue dans la nuit du dimanche 9 février dernier selon les révélations qu’il a faites sur la Place 13 mai. (…)
Rumeur ou réalité ; les preuves font pour l’instant défaut dans tous les dires de Andry Rajoelina. Il se dit à maintes reprises être l’objet d’un mandat d’arrêt. Jusqu’à présent aucune photocopie d’un quelconque mandat d’arrêt n’a été révélée. Il a déjà affirmé être poursuivie par des personnes inconnues, sans apporter de preuve concrète.”
Rumor or fact; proof is non-existent now in all Andry Rajoelina has been saying. He has repeatedly claimed to be the object of an arrest order. Until today no copy of any arrest order has been seen. He has also many times asserted having been pursued by unknown individuals, but he has never brought any proof.”
Rumors about some hotels harboring mercenaries (spread by Andry TGV himself) and refuted by the hotels:
“Andry Rajoelina a aussi pointé du doigt l’hôtel restaurant Papango en fa ce de la Place 13 mai, d’héberger un tireur d’élite qui serait en charge de le tuer”
“Accusé par des manifestants de la Place 13 mai d’avoir abrité des tireurs d’élite samedi 7 février dernier, l’Hôtel du Louvres sis à Antaninarenina et accolé au ministère des Finances, dément. L’autre établissement hôtelier, Le Colbert, sis lui aussi dans les parages, précise que l’établissement appartient exclusivement à des particuliers et Marc Ravalomanana n’a
aucune part dans son capital comme on veut le faire croire. Le Colbert aussi a été soupçonné d’avoir abrité des tireurs, auteurs du massacre ce samedi ensanglanté du 7 février dernier.”
Dizzying rumors that prompt a comment on Jentilisa's blog:
“aiza kay no tena misy lahatsoratr'olontsotra fa tsy mpanao gazety fa toy ity anao ity ihany, fa izany hoe tena olona tsy miandany @atsy na ny aroa fa tena mba milaza ny zavamisy objectivement?”
In all this mess, R1lita is desperate for peace and the right to a normal regular life.
“I think people here just want to live in peace. They want to go to work or to school without the fear of being trapped in riots, or taken by force to join those who are on strike. Shop owners want to open their businesses and be sure that no one will loot and burn them. We are fed up with this feeling of permanent insecurity.The last protest [Andry Rajoelina's protest] didn’t draw as many followers as before still people are wary because nothing is sure yet. Even though we are back to our daily life we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.”
Very good post! I truly hope it doesn’t go down the path you have so concisely described. Bloggers and journalists keep up the good work! Madagascar needs truth not propaganda! Keep up the good work Mialy!
you´re obviously slanted in your reporting. Please be a better wanna-be journalist or even just a mass mediator and make UNBIASED posts, or else this is not taken seriously and simply taken as PROPAGANDA.
and.. why do you feel the need to censor your reader commentaries?
Hi Mialy
Congrats for your posts, it ‘s a good summary of the threats we live at present. May I just add that Private Sector (Factories, EPZ, business, shops, public transportation…) receive also threats!!
Hold on Mialy
Thank you for your comments everybody. Thanks Watchdog and tgoose. It is scary that private sector is also receiving threats. I would have reported on this had it been written anywhere in blogs or forums. I had also read somewhere about pupils and students being pulled out of schools by force by the TGV strikers. Is this a reason why the catholic schools have closed jusqu’a nouvel ordre?
Comments here are moderated, not censured as jeli seems to believe.
I am not a journalist, Jeli,and have no pretention of being one. The rumors are being spread, I reported on the ones I find on tweeters, forums and blogs, your not agreeing with them does not make them less “true”, Jeli. Thank you for your very constructive comments nonetheless.
I strive to be “objective” in my articles, and will strive to be even more so.
Great post Mialy. excellent summary of what’s happening. Thanks so much for doing this. A question for you – can you think of any way to start to sort out which rumors might be true? There are so many parallels here to other recent conflicts – Georgia, Kenya come to mind. In each of those, facts emerged slowly and still disputed. Is anyone – citizen media, mainstream media, international org, human rights group – doing this research, and if so could you point us to it? If not, maybe we can reach out to those orgs.
Good one! I really wonder if it is really an open war between the two men. How if it’s just the media or the only part who is just wanting to destroy the other?Either way, malagasy people should think many times!!
Thanks for trying. I wish our journalists in Dago had the guts to be truthful, or at least had some objectivity! I was not aware of what happened in schools: I understand though that there are some security concerns. Today (sunday) seems calm in Tana but local news continue to be very confusing. Your notes are interesting and to any observer of Madagascar sociopolitics, the current events have the signature of past ones: economic destabilization and threats /attacks to businesses for political gain. Education, mostly political education, is so much needed!
Keep up the good work!