Barbados: Supporting Rihanna
Written byJanine Mendes-Franco
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Living in Barbados says that Rihanna's assault “is deeply felt here as a personal beating up on many individuals”, while Cheese-on-Bread! learns that “Rihanna is back home to recover from the trauma of the past few days.”
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what trauma? how about the many women living in domestic violence every day till beaten to death. focus on that rihanna is fine. o one knows the details of her situation but whatever it is it isnt straight.
I think Rihanna rocks and she is stunning. I have seen her in concert and she is well good she dont deserve this!!! I bet this has knocked her confedence so much yet she is so pretty and her voice is so good people worship her, she is a perfect role model and i fink she is soo cool. U go girll !!!