The second annual edition of the Maroc Blog Awards were held in Casablanca on January 31. The awards honor the best Moroccan bloggers (as well as bloggers whose primary blog topic is Morocco) in 13 categories. This year, awards were given in the following categories:
- Best Moroccan Blog 2009 (“Blog of the Year”)
- Best Political Blog
- Best IT Blog
- Best Artistic Blog
- Best Humor Blog
- Best Blog Design
- Best “Skyblog” (honoring blogs which are presented like diaries)
- Best Rookie Blog (honoring a blogger who has been active for less than one year)
- Best Thematic Blog
- Best Blog in French
- Best Blog in Arabic
- Best Blog in English
- Best Blog in Spanish
Reb, who is an American researching the Blogoma (Moroccan blogosphere), congratulated all of the winners:
This is a little late–I was out of town last week–but congrats to all the winners of the 2009 Maroc Blog Awards! You all definitely deserve recognition.
Robin Des Blogs, winner of the Blog of the Year and Best French Blog categories, wrote about attending the ceremony and winning the award:
Dire que jusqu’à ce matin j’ étais un citoyen ordinaire, juste un mec avec plein d’ambitions et de rêves comme tout le monde…Ce soir, je rentre chez moi avec cette impression de pouvoir tout faire, non pas parce que je me suis découvert quelque talent caché ou des forces mystérieuses, mais parce que j’ai gagné au Maroc Blog Awards…deux titres dont l’un n’est tout autre que le prestigieux blason de meilleur blog marocain de l’année 2009, rien que ça… Tu parles d’une soirée !
The blogger also shared a photo from the event:
Casawaves, who won the award for Best Thematic Blog, shared videos from the event, including this one of a percussion group performing:
Saad Erraji, winner of the Best Skyblog category, also shared a photograph from the event:
Looks like a great night–wish I could have been there!
BTW, one more week to complete my survey on the Blogoma, Moroccan culture, and censorship (it will take about 15 minutes):
Thanks in advance for your valuable input!
Une semaine de plus pour compléter mon enquête sur la Blogoma, culture marocaine, et la censure (il faudra environ 15 minutes):
Merci d’avance pour votre précieuse participation!
تنتهي الدراسة في أسبوع واحد :
Congrats to the winners.
I am a bit puzzled by this year winner, I usually do not care about the ceremonies of this kind because blogging has been bought and sold by the interests that be. If blogging is beleived to be a sort of democratization process in Morocco, I am afraid to say that it is far away form contributing to the genuine free speech we all aspire to. The recent and troubling Moroccan cases of all those who have been detained and charged with phony accusations and libel against the mightly powers should be in the mind of those who think that Moroccan blogorama is heallthy and playing a major role in the democratization of the country. I am not going to call it “blague-rama” as a joke bullshit in french, it has still a lot of work to do in order to get my respect.
I like few other bloggers for their creativity and usefulness such as Agora run by “une marocaine” or excellent analyses of Ibn Kafka as well as Larbi. Most moraccan blogs are simply a vehicule for one dimentional view. the case in point, the Gaza debacle and israeli airstrike. As for the other issues it mostly play on words and ranting festival of tongue streching and slander talking to those of disagree specially on political and religious subject matters.
Anyway the year’s winner “Robing des Blogs” has in many occasions pleaded other well known moroccan bloggers to help him in his entries in order to push the flow of visitors and to elevate the discussion at a higher level. But it is basically a lame site and very much pseudo-information shairng entreprise and no creativity or know-how on how to be out of the herd. Well if it makes him feel good that’s ok. I would rather consult with my usual one.
I am just not a blogger I just visit site and occasionally post comments.