Egypt: Erdoğan, Leader of the World

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip has new fans across the Arab world, notably in Egypt where one blogger went on to describe him as the “leader of the world.” Another sees fault in Arab leaders who are not standing up for the Palestinian cause.

By storming out of a debate at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and after the moderator refused to give him extra time to rebut Israeli President Shimon Peres’ explanation of what happened during the Israel-Gaza conflict, Erdoğan is getting the thumbs up from bloggers.

Maher Mahmoud wrote in his blog Kelmety:

لقي رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب أردوغان استقبال الأبطال لدى عودته إلى اسطنبول الليلة الماضية بعدما انسحب من منتدى دافوس إثر مشادة كلامية مع الرئيس الإسرائيلي شيمون بيريز بسبب الهجوم الإسرائيلي على غزة

وقال أردوغان في وقت لاحق إنه لم يغادر جلسة النقاش بسبب خلافاته مع بيريز ولكن لأنه منح وقتا أقل بكثير من بيريز للرد على ماقاله الرئيس الإسرائيلي.
The Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was given a heroes’ welcome on arrival in Istanbul, after he withdrew from the World Economic Forum in Davos. This came after his debate with the Israeli President, Shimon Peres, because of the Israeli attack on Gaza.

Erdoğan said later on that he did not leave because of the debate itself, but because he was lesser time than Peres to reply to what the Israeli President has said.

Abu El Maaly Fayek also wrote about the incident in his blog Lokmet Eish:

وقد احتشد الآلاف من الجماهير التركية رافعين لافتات الترحيب بزعيمهم الذى لم يعجبه كلام المجرم بيريز ولمّا أراد التعليق والرد على كلامه لم يعطه الفرصة مدير الجلسة فانسحب .
Thousands of Turks have gathered with banners in their hands welcoming their leader who didn't like what the criminal Peres had said, and when he tried to comment on him, he was not given enough time by the moderator, so he decided to leave the conference.

Zeinab – Bent Masreya – wrote another post here calling him the “leader of the world”:

لا أتحدث عن أوباما.. ليس هو زعيم العالم الذي أقصده، وليس استقباله الأسطوري وفرحة الأمريكان به هي ما تلفت نظري، سوف تكشف الأيام إذا كان أوباما زعيما حقيقيا أم يسقط بآمال المتفائلين للهاوية..
إنما الآن.. هناك زعيم حقيقي، يراه شعب آخر، لمسوا جهوده وعرفوا نظافة يده وسمعوا صوت الحق صادرا منه بقوة وبصراحة.. فاستقبلوه في المطار ملوحين له بأن “أهلا وسهلاً بزعيم العالم”
هكذا استقبل الأتراك رئيس وزرائهم، هكذا أشعر أنا أيضاً.
I am not talking here about Obama. He is not the leader of the world who I mean. And the great way the Americans have welcomed him is not what I am talking about here. Time will soon tell us whether Obama is a real leader, or if he will sink with the optimists’ hopes to hell.
But now, there is real leader, a leader who has been received by his people at the airport with the slogan “Welcome, the Leader of the World,” after they have seen his honesty and heard the voice of truth coming out of his mouth.
This is how the Turkish people have received their Prime Minister, and this is how I feel too.

And finally Ahmed Abdel Moneam wrote in his blog Tasrehat:

لا تنتظروا النصرة من داخل ارض العرب … هذا ما يؤكدة الواقع يوم بعد يوم و لا اعلم لماذا كل المواقف الرجولية المؤيدة للقضية الفلسطنية من خارج الحدود العربية و كأن جميع الحكام العرب “ علية العوض ومنة العوض فيهم” فمع بداية تفجر الوضع في غزة اعلن شافيز طرد السفير الاسرائيلي و مقاطعة اسرائيل

ثم تكتمل اليوم ببعض الاخبار و المواقف التي تؤكد اعلان شهادة وفاة الجالسين علي مقاعد قيادة الوطن العربي فهذة اسبانيا و القضاء الاسباني الذى يلاحق القادة الاسرائلين في جرائم الحرب التي ترتكب في غزة “ بغض النظر عن ما يقال حول تعديل القانون بحيث ان لا تحاكم هؤلا و لكن علي الاقل هناك هيئة في الدولة تحتكم الي الضمير الانسانى “ من جانب اخر نرى ذلك الرجل الذى يستحق كل تحية و احترام و تقدير انة رجب طيب اردغان
Don't wait for support from the Arab world. This is what has been proven day after day. I do not know why all the courageous stances supporting the Palestinians are coming from outside the Arab borders, as if all the Arab leaders are useless. At the beginning of the conflict in Gaza, Chavez decided to expel the Israeli ambassador and boycott Israel.

And today the Spanish judicial system decided to chase after the Israeli leaders and punish them for their crimes in Gaza, which emphasizes the political death of the Arab leaders. Regardless of what is being said that the Spanish law may be changed in order not to try the Israelis, yet there is an organization out there that tries to listen to the human conscience. And on the other hand, we see this man who deserves praise and respect. He is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Also on Global Voices Online:
Turkey: Prime Minister Storms out of Davos Hearing


  • Israel must merge with gaza and west bank. one country. one vote.

  • good pappy

    erdogan accused israel for war crimes probably because kurds are beibng supported by moshad and americans
    iran ,syria ,lebanon and turcey are having very good relations a fact that annoys israel and usa
    but we must not forget that after of the refusal
    of makarios to be his country a member of otan and the basis of cyprus to be used for the war of israel
    with the muslim countries we had the terrible events on cyprus
    so i can nopt understand this contradiction between israel and turcey
    they were hostile for many years to greece and cyprus
    ofcourse the differences between jewish
    turkish and greeks are having apolitical and religious background
    turkish hated greece because greece was the main cause
    the ottoman empire to end up a small country
    ignoring the fact that this was a result of the 3 great powers in europe [france,uk and russia]
    usa followed the doctrine of monroe and germany was caughted in small states weak and
    not relative with this issue
    on the other hand israelis had a religious conflict with greeks who were the first nation in the world that believed in jesus christ the son of jahve who was the god of the jewish religion
    this religious difference between greece and israel is stupid according to my personal opinion
    both of these nations adores gods who like knifes
    we just remind the words of jahve
    tooth for tooth and eyes for eyes
    and jesus christ that he was sent to earth
    to bring the knife
    these theories are strictly being based in the hate for the
    human races
    ofcourse j christ is a more developed god in comparison to jahve
    but we must think musolini was better than hitler because he
    didnt kill jewish in aousvits
    on the other hand j.christ was not in racist in comparison to jahve
    jahve adored only jewish
    j christ for alll the world and it is not a great surprise that christianity was spread in the 5 continents
    these 2 gods had something common
    they cared for the nations that believed in them
    but their doctrines was a cause for millions of dead people
    islam on the other hand is a doctrine more violent and not so flexible as the others
    europeans used israel for many decades as a fortress to control muslim populatiions for the oil
    people are loookingb for messias to resolve their problems
    in our age they are not messias and people who can make miracles
    there are people who tried to resolve problems
    and people who are not
    it is a silly thing and great nonsense people or human beings even to try reaching the mind ogf god
    gods are gods humans are humans and animals are animals
    so i can not understand this non type contradiction between israel and greece because they believed in gods who caused million s of deads in humanity
    or their theories was a cause for these deaths
    but we must admitt that god rewarded
    israel and greece for their services in human race
    jewish are having very interesting bglasphemous opinion
    about gods
    and greeks are stuck on christiniaty like there is no other religion in the world withn virtues
    ιit contains the forbidden erotonomicon in greece and the poems new york olympia and exhibition of orthodromic retrospection

  • Sammish

    If this bloger thinks that Ergodan should be the ruler of the world, just because the turkish PM walked out of Davos, this blogger must be naive, credulous and stupid. What are these people acting and THINKING like infantile adults. Why do they need a leader? It goes to show that there are many “sheeps” in the arab world that need tending, or perhaps kicked in the butt.

  • […] Traducido por Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe· Ver post original […]

  • Really, this was all for show. Israeli jets still use Turkish airspace.

  • Louis

    Erdogan- Leader of the world???

    God, Allah, Budha, Harri Krishna, Zeus or any other god HELP US!!

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