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Morocco: A Country Divided Over Gaza

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Israel, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Governance, International Relations, Politics, War & Conflict

As a quorum of Arab leaders convene in Doha today, the world is wondering how their meeting might bring about a cessation of hostilities in Gaza. Yesterday, the news broke [1] that King Mohammed VI of Morocco would not be attending the Doha or any other summit, stating that “they will not do much to help the Palestinian people.”

The View from Fez had more details [2] on the king's absence:

A press release of the king's office said on Wednesday the decision is due to objective reasons and sad considerations relating to the depressing Arab situation, whose deterioration has reached an unprecedented level in the history of Arab joint action.

The mere fact of proposing the convening of an Arab summit now gives rise to squabbling and outbidding tactics, even disputes between Arab countries, the release said, noting that sadly, these secondary disagreements eclipse the vital causes of the Ummah, particularly the Palestinian question, and obscure the very essence of the conflict in the region and play into the hands of the true enemies of the Arab world.

The communiqué notes that this atmosphere of disunity gives the Arab public opinion the impression that there are attempts to secure exclusive leadership of the Arab world or create specific axes or zones of influence, a prospect Morocco has always sought to avoid.

Moroccan blogger Taha Belafrej [fr] also commented [3] on King Mohammed VI's lack of participation, saying:

Dans un communiqué du Cabinet Royal diffusé par la MAP, des explications sont données à cette non participation.

Voici un extrait de ce communiqué:

“Quelle que soit la réalité objective et douloureuse des graves agressions externes, nous nous devons d'être francs avec nous-mêmes et de reconnaître que le problème réside dans le corps arabe lui-même et que, partant, la solution est à trouver, d'abord, chez les arabes eux-mêmes”.

In a statement [4] circulated to the Royal Cabinet by MAP [Maghreb Arab Presse, the state news agency], explanations are given regarding his lack of participation.

Here is an excerpt from this release:

“Whatever the objective reality of the serious and painful external aggression, we must be frank with ourselves and recognize that the problem lies in the Arab body itself and that therefore, the solution must be found, first, among the Arabs themselves.”

Ibn Kafka [fr], in response to the full statement from the Moroccan government (available on MAP's web site [4] in French), states that “any comment is superfluous,” going on to say very little else.

One commenter expresses disappointment in Ibn Kafka's lack of analysis, saying:

Je visite ce blog depuis quelques semaines. Et je suis frappé de ne trouver aucune analyse, aucun rappel historique, aucune approche politique.

De la part d’un juriste, je trouve que cela est bien faible, c’est dommage! Ce n’est pas ainsi que l’on y verra plus clair!

On détestera davantage les juifs, c’est sûr! Sinon, pas grand chose!

Et seule critique …celle de la décision de M6 de ne pas participer à la mascarade organisée par les princes du golfe!

I've been visiting this blog the past few weeks. And I am struck that there is no analysis, no background, no political approach.

From a lawyer, I think this is weak, it is a pity! This is no way to ensure that we will see more clearly!

We hate the Jews more, for sure! Otherwise, not much [has changed]!

And … the only criticism is of M6*'s decision not to participate in the charade organized by the princes of the Gulf!

*M6 is a common abbreviation for King Mohammed VI.

While the debate over the king's decision rages on, other bloggers are simply wondering what Arab governments can do to stop Israel's attacks on Gaza. Abdelilah Boukili is one such blogger [5].

For the man in the street, there should be military intervention through the borders with Egypt , Jordan and Lebanon to stop Israeli aggression. But this s unrealistic. The Arab countries don’t have an army like NATO with regular common training and a board of command to mount joint military operations. There are the political calculations which make many countries hesitant about this sort of venture.

The Arabs have shown solidarity with the Palestinians through protests, condemnations and the sending of humanitarian aids.

It remains up to the Palestinians to show unity among themselves before asking the rest of the Arab world to unite with them. Differences between them just reinforces division in attitude towards the way their cause should be supported.

Actual Digital [es], in a post entitled “No a la barbarie…The Slaughter Must Stop,” comments that, “Quien quiere hoy borrar Gaza del mapa, mañana será borrado del mapa de Oriente Medio” [“Whoever wants to wipe Gaza away from the map, tomorrow will be wiped from Middle East map”]. The blogger goes on to say:

El infierno de Gaza no para, cuantos muertos y heridos espera Israel ver para anunciar su victoria, ¿quiere Israel borrar Gaza por completo del mapa? Si eso es lo que está haciendo hoy mañana no sabemos lo que les guarda el futuro. Todavía tras la masacre de más de mil personas inocentes y 5 mil heridos una de ellos mujeres y niños quiere continuar sus crímenes, niega al pueblo palestino vivir libre como todo el mundo. Políticos y militares dicen de misma voz “No han conseguido todavía sus objetivos..Desde 60 años dicen lo mismo, y qué son sus objetivos, más palestinos muertos, más masacres, más tragedias y ninguna luz en el horizonte o esperanza de vivir en libertad. ¿Eso es lo quiere Occidente ver?. Donde está esa la Comunidad Internacional, en este momento de dolor palestino parece que solo mueven para proteger sus intereses… y los de sus aliados ¿Por qué no se aplican los mismos standards y las mismas leyes internacionales para todas las naciones y pueblos?

Hell in Gaza doesn't stop: how many deaths and injured does Israel expect to see before they announce their victory? Does Israel want Gaza totally wiped from the map? If that is what they're doing today, tomorrow we don't know what future awaits them. Still, after massacring over 1,000 innocent people and injuring 5,000, women and children among them, Israel wants to go on with their crimes, denying the Palestinian people to live freely like everybody else. Politicians and military call out: “They haven't reached their purpose yet… They have been saying the same thing over 60 years, and what are their objectives: more dead Palestinian, more massacre, more tragedy and no light ahead or hope to live in freedom? Is that what the West wants to see? Where is that International Community, in this moment of Palestinian suffering it seems they come up with something just to protect their own interests… and their allies. Why aren't the same standards and same international laws applied to all nations and people?

The blogger behind Mon Paradis Inanimé remarks upon the fact [6] that the Moroccan public is divided over the conflict:

Au Maroc les avis sont partagés sur cette affaire. J’ai été très étonnée et surprise de voir que des musulmans très pratiquants ne supportaient pas le Hamas : “ce sont des gens qui se servent des civils et qui sont responsables de la mort d’autants d’innocents en Palestine!” disent-ils.

Les jeunes marocains sont aussi divisés et du jour au lendemain une grande majorité des jeunes est devenue religieuse comme par miracle! L’effet médiatique est à son comble. Malheureusement une grande partie des jeunes se laisse emporter par les médias et manque d’esprit critique. Hier encore je fus supprimée de la liste de contacts d’un ami parce que je l’ai décrit comme antisémite et ce parce que je lui ai dit qu’il y a une différence immense entre un juif et un sioniste. Le judaïsme existe depuis des millénaires alors que le sionisme est centenaire. Les sionistes sont des personnes athées qui se sont servies des religions pour leurs profits personnels. Les juifs pratiquants déclarent haut et fort que dans leur livre religieux, la terre palestinienne ne leur appartient pas. Mais ça c’est un autre débat dans lequel je ne souhaite pas entrer. Je ne suis pas religieuse.

In Morocco, opinion is divided on this matter. I was shocked and surprised to see that most Muslims’ practice does not support Hamas: “They are people who use civilians and who are responsible for the deaths of many innocent civilians in Palestine!” they say.

Young Moroccans are also divided, and suddenly, a large majority of young people have become religious as if by miracle! The media effect is at its peak. Unfortunately, many of the young can easily be swayed by the media and their lack of critical thinking. Just yesterday I was removed from the list of a contacts of a friend because [I don't get this part] and because I told him there is a huge difference between a Jew and a Zionist. Judaism has been around for millenia while Zionism is centenary. The Zionists are atheists who have used religion for their personal profit. The Jews say that loud and clear, in their religious book, the Palestinian land does not belong to them. But that's another debate in which I do not wish to enter. I'm not religious

Morocco's Jewish community has also spoken up about the conflict, demonstrating yet another line of division in Moroccan public opinion. From [7] The View from Fez:

The Secretary General of the Foundation for Moroccan Jewish Heritage, Simon Lévy, has denounced the Israeli aggression on Gaza, and called on the international community to intervene to solve the conflict.

“We are horrified by the carnage that can't be justified and which killed around 1,000 people in Gaza,” said Levy in a statement to Moroccan radio station “Rabat Chaîne Inter”.

“It is horrible and this is not the way I see Judaism,” Levy said, voicing hope to establish peace and see a halt of the massacre against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Spanish translation by Gabriela Garcia Calderon Orbe