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Egypt: Solidarity with Palestine

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Breaking News, Digital Activism, Ethnicity & Race, History, Human Rights, Politics, Protest, Technology, War & Conflict

Since they’ve heard, Egyptian Bloggers expressed their immediate solidarity with their Palestine brothers against the brutal attack. Everybody condemned the Siege, as well as the blind Israeli bombings that does not differentiate between killing militants or civilians, women, children and men.

Mostafa launched a Jaiku channel [1] to pass news about and from Gaza, that can be followed also on Mostafa’s Twitter [2].

Fadfada wrote a post entitled “Gaza we are sorry [3]”, where she said:

آسفه اني مش قادره اساعدتكم و مش قادره امد ايدي ليكم
آسفه بالنيابه عن كل العرب اللي واقفين عاجزين وكل يوم بيزدادوا عجز علي عجز
آسفه ان ما فيش في ايدينا حاجه نعملها الا الدعاء والتضرع ان ربنا يزيح الغمه
آسفه مع اني لو مكانكم اكيد ما كنتش هاقبل الأسف
I apologize that I cannot help you and cannot give you a hand.
I apologize on behalf of all Arabs who are standing paralyzed, and everyday going weaker than the other.
I apologize that we don’t have anything left to do except praying to God to take away the sadness.
I apologize that if I was in your place, I would never accept apology.

Mohamed Gaber mentioned another initiative on Deviant art [4] for people to use “For Gaza” logo as their Avatar,


Under the title “Hate [8]”, The caller shared her thoughts on the attack saying

I am experiencing hate.
I hate facts for being so disgusting, I hate people for being so lame, I hate myself because i am as lame, I hate the government for being a bunch of sissies, I hate that old fart coward man who hides his shameful soul behind high walls.
Like every massacre and injustice in history…people get killed…people protest…people plan for some attack…people rebel…but also, every massacre in history had resistance and came time to conquer.

She further continues

In Gaza case…
They are splitting internally…they are incompetent…they have no half ass jets, bombs and missiles to fight back….no resources…no help from neighbors as they are busy.
you see, neighbor countries are in their holes scared to do anything but take pictures for the press to prove mere existence…rich and powerful within those countries are busy getting richer, getting fucked, plotting against each other or against hot chicks…they won't pay attention to a small country trapped under the Israeli fire.
A country that is surrounded from all sides by Arab countries that share the language, religions and identity ( as if…)…such neighbors could erase the cruel existence of Israel in a day if…IF…they wanted to.
OK, I have thought about the children of Israel…the people who don't support the politics and the killing…but, please, why the hell are they doing there living in Israel if they hate the invasion/ injustice and tyranny their government is practicing.

She also discussed the general Egyptian feelings fearing the current situation

Protests in Egypt have reached the presidency palace…something that hadn't happened since King Farouk…People are angry…but who is that angry:
Mostly, university students…because they haven't yet been crushed in the cruel mill of the country with responsibilities and tough money earning…they still don't have to drag their sorry asses to work or else no food will be put on their kids’ table.
They are still free willed…they are still brave at heart…the hearts that are still filled with hope and strength and wishes…while actually, If this government stayed the same…they will not have much hope any more

On another positive tone, Bella published the addresses and contacts [9] for people to donate to Gaza

بدلاً من الصراخ والعويل وذرف الدموع
ساعدوا إخوانكم في غزة بالفعل وليس بالهتاف
هذه بعض العناوين وأرقام حسابات للتبرع لنصرة إخوانكم في غزة
هم بحاجة لدعمكم المادي أكثر من ذي قبل برجاء نشر الارقام بين أكبر عدد ممكن ممن تعرفون
Instead of crying, weeping and shedding tears
Help your brothers in Gaza by acting and not yelling.
These are some addresses and account numbers for donation to support your brothers in Gaza
they are in need of financial support more than ever before, please forward the numbers between all those you know.
لجنة اغاثة نقابة أطباء مصر

البنك الوطني المصري
حساب رقم 500555
للإتصال: نقابة الأطباء المصرية
هاتف: 7940738 – 7943812 – 7943166 – 3652006 – 3636366
العنوان: 27 شارع القصر العينى امام معهد السكر
بريد إليكتروني: ems_cai@ems.org.eg

لجنة الإغاثة الطبية التابعة لاتحاد نقابات الأطباء العرب

بنك قناة السويس فرع الدقى
حساب رقم (21090/1)
للإتصال: الدكتور جمال عبد السلام، مدير لجنة الإغاثة باتحاد الأطباء العرب
دار الحكمة 42 شارع القصر العينى
تليفون: 7940738-7943166
فاكس: 7940518

مؤسسة لجنة الإغاثة الإنسانية للعون

الناصرة – الصفافرة ,حي بلال ص.ب 20059
تلفون : 046082095
فاكس : 046082097
بريد ألكتروني : info@egatha.com

Zeinobia also hinted [10] at Egyptian information and Media Minster, Anas El Faky, who decided cancel New Year’s celebrations

it is worth to mention that the Kharafi group has canceled its New Year’s eve celebration in Porto Galab at Marsa Alam in Egypt , I hope that others would follow the Kharafi group. “Check their ad in the first page of Al Ahram today”
The information minister Anas El-Faky decided to cancel the New Year's Eve special in the Egyptian National TV Channels, I hope that the private channels follow him just like Al Hayat and Dream TV1

Hossam El Hamalawy, published videos [11] for Egyptian demonstrations for the past days in solidarity with Gaza in Cairo.
As well, Zeinobia published [12] the rest of Hossam's videos for the huge demonstration in front of the press syndicate down town. The protesters all over Egypt were estimated to be more than 50,000.