Rising Voices Seeks Micro-grant Proposals for Citizen Media Outreach

Application Deadline: January 18, 2009

risingvoices1.jpgRising Voices, the outreach arm of Global Voices, is now accepting project proposals for microgrant funding of up to $5,000 for new media outreach projects. Ideal applicants will present innovative and detailed proposals to teach citizen media techniques to communities that are poorly positioned to discover and take advantage of tools like blogging, video-blogging, and podcasting on their own.

As the internet becomes more accessible to more people, including mobile phone users, the so-called digital divide seems to be narrowing. In its place, however, we see a participation gap in which the vast majority of blogs, podcasts, and online video are being produced in middle-class neighborhoods in major cities around the world.

Rising Voices aims to help bring new voices from new communities and speaking new languages to the conversational web, by providing resources and funding to local groups reaching out to underrepresented communities in the developing world. Please visit our current list of grantees for project examples.

The sky is the limit, but unfortunately funding is not. Rising Voices outreach grants will range from $2,000 to $5,000. Please be as thoughtful, specific, and realistic as possible when drafting your budgets.

Successful projects will be prominently featured on Global Voices. Grantees are expected to host regular workshops to train participants how to start and maintain a weblog, upload and share digital photographs, and produce basic videos. Grantees are also required to post regular project evaluations and updates to the Rising Voices website.

Completed applications will be accepted no later than Sunday, January 18. Please submit your completed application on the Rising Voices apply page.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments section below or by sending an email to outreach@globalvoicesonline.org.


  • […] key arms that are doing magnificent work. Rising Voices, which handles citizen media outreach, is now accepting project proposals for microgrant funding of up to US $5,000 for worthwhile media outreach […]

  • […] and help each other by sharing best practices, training, and knowledge. We're sponsoring another round of micro-grants in January, and planning to expand the network beyond grantees to support other projects in the burgeoning […]

  • ruth meena

    I am moved the world is talking, are you listening??? i have been on the listening side, i need to be listened to, a rural women impoverished by global forces, a girl child heading a household due to the HIV&AIDS pandemic, a pregnant woman who has no chances of survival due to maternal deaths which are available, who will listen to our voices??????

  • Doreen Rukaria

    Conference after conference has been held on HIV and AIDS, Child Labour, Environment, Reproductive Health etc with repetitive discussions from “experts”. When will this dialogues be taken to the communities? They too need to be heard and involved in their development agenda! Can someone listen to their voices????

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