But Rezwan bhai, this has turned out to be a big hoax perpetrated by the owner of the building, in cooperation with the newsmen!! Some people went out there to check it out, and they report seeing none of the “Italian marble”, rather the photos show regular bathroom tiles over a brick structure, which doesn’t look like the Taj at all. The owner is now charging 50 taka from visitors, and also 20 to 30 taka for parking. Judging by the inflated 400 crore taka claim published in newspapers, it seems that Mr. Ahsanullah Moni had the fake news published in order to get attention, and also more visitors to his building.
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Congratulations Bangladesh, for your first Tajmahal !
We hope to see a few more in comming years !
“Immitation is the highest form of flattery”. Cheers to Bangladesh for such a bold move!
But Rezwan bhai, this has turned out to be a big hoax perpetrated by the owner of the building, in cooperation with the newsmen!! Some people went out there to check it out, and they report seeing none of the “Italian marble”, rather the photos show regular bathroom tiles over a brick structure, which doesn’t look like the Taj at all. The owner is now charging 50 taka from visitors, and also 20 to 30 taka for parking. Judging by the inflated 400 crore taka claim published in newspapers, it seems that Mr. Ahsanullah Moni had the fake news published in order to get attention, and also more visitors to his building.
You can check out more here: http://www.somewhereinblog.net/blog/onujibblog/28881217