Li-xiang is a patient, but also more than a patient. He filmed in 2004 a documentary called “our life” about how AIDS patients live, and founded an AID-care NGO named Red-wood, which reaches out to comfort AIDS patients and train health-care volunteers. Outside his sickroom, he is more a social worker than a patient in need of care. As he said
对我来说,每天的工作就是做能够帮助艾滋病毒感染者的工作,以及减少大众对艾滋病的误解和歧视的工作,大部分时间都是在围着艾滋病打转转,像任何一个社会 工作者那样。
Now about 30, he contracted AIDS in a blood donation when he was only a high school student. He started blogging in 2005, writing about his life, ideas, and occasionally HIV treatment. He faces the disease with an open mind and never grudges talking about it, and his optimism cheers up many of his fellow patients.
He writes about AIDS treatment and discusses with netizens, many of them fellow patients, the prospect of overcoming the fatal disease; for example, he has entries called “Li-xiang: my point on AIDS medicine”, and “Li-xiang: relationship between anti-virus cure and CD4.” Also, he scolds the quake that swindles fake medicine to anxious patients. Moreover, he deliberated on a trade-off between people’s privacy and a preventive measure against AIDS that have to make any lurking disease open.
以提供救治为首要核心的战略,是否要转移到以预防为核心的战略?还是努力救治,也努力预防?过去以救治为首要核心的战略和实施是否也只是杯水车薪?全世界6000万艾滋病相关的工作者,是否真的有效救治了4000万艾滋病感染者和病人?在艾滋病面前,我们是否需要牺牲人权来进行普遍的强制 检测,才能更有效的控制艾滋病的流行?这样是否值得?——李想
He has been a celebrity. His deeds were widely reported. Southern Weekend, an influential periodical, dedicated one page to him after his documentary was finished. He was said to be so busy that even on bed he has to pick up phone calls to tell his ideas about where the NGO Red-woods should be going for next step. And pictures show that he was planting trees with the Belgium Princess Mathilde in an AIDS-related activity.
(From Li-xiang's blog)
But in all these reports and pictures, one thing remains, that Li-xiang has never shown his face to the camera. The reason he does that, is because he also wants a life of dignity, and tries not to let his parents and friends worry too much about him.
Li-xiang, though with the aura as an extraordinary man, is in nature a common person, who just happened to run into a misfortune. He likes to talk about himself in most daily-life details.
He talks about what he dislikes:
Visitor will usually leave one or two comments.
终于又看到你发博文了,身体好了吗,一定注意啊,虽然首都医疗条件好,但还是得靠自身抵抗力强才好,依靠药物副作用太多.真心祝你一切都好! 周愿
Beautiful girls
Li-xiang confessed he loves beautiful girls. He also has a girlfriend named Wu, translated as “Dance”.
It’s lucky for me to know exactly some beautiful girls. It goes without saying that one of them is my girlfriend. Aha, what hope will life have if beautiful girls were no long liked and appreciated?
But some netizens left on his blog unfriendly comments on his love of beauty.
这个叫李想的博主真是非常之不要脸了 自己明知道自己的情况 还找什么美女做女朋友 这不是明摆想坑害人家吗?鄙视这样的人!!!!!!请为他人多考虑下吧 新浪网友
But the remark met rebuttal from other netizens very soon.
李想.不要跟这些没道德与良知的人计较,人生有许多的不公平.你这么善良,聪明.却因为输血而感染.这不是你的过错,很痛心这个世上还有这些恶毒而狭碍的 人.他们不知道欣赏美同样也是一种善.他们不知道人与人之间除了肉体,还有精神的爱.他们的无知与偏执,他们空洞的精神,是无法理解你的, 新浪网友
Sometimes Li-xiang would disappear for a while. He explained to those care about him:
Though his blog enhances his popularity, he still takes it as a simple platform for communication, and a window to look at the world.
This is Li-xiang life, plain, easy but active. As he said, “Now, though a lot of people think I am greatly unfortunate, I am, however, feeling like having the most meaningful life ever”.