On the eve of the elections, the world is atwitter – and Morocco is no exception. Bloggers based in Morocco – both Moroccan natives and foreign residents – are musing over potential election outcomes. While Morocco is also no exception to the world's preference for Obama, bloggers have a lot more to say than “Yes we can!” Here's a peek into Morocco.
Fulbrighter Morocco Road is anxious about being so far from the elections. The blogger says:
And like many Americans both abroad and back in the States, this anxiety has translated into inactivity. Or a sort of constipated nervousness where I need the days to pass as quickly as possible. Larry David, the Seinfeld guy, says, “I can't take much more of this… I'm at the end of my rope. I can't work. I can eat, but mostly standing up. I'm anxious all the time and taking it out on my ex-wife, which, ironically, I'm finding enjoyable.”
It's the same for me here in Morocco, but I feel even more disconnected. And I especially miss the commentary of the media's talking heads. It has been so difficult for me to interpret the current state of world affairs without them!
Moroccan native allal-cinemagoer, whose blog discusses cinema and movies, has a message about the arts for the candidates:
However,because of the dangerous change that our world is going through especially America’s values and its famous civil rights are now at stake and most important we are going to have a new president who might again intensify war around the world, I just want to say that whoever win the battle to Washington Dc to become the president of The U S A ,Hollywood should reconsider its policy to produce movies of great talent based on dialog , love and especially altogetherness rather on discrimination,xenophobia,hate of Arabs,blacks,Hispanic,women,homosexuals etc.. .
Peace Corps volunteer Elizabeth of the blog adventures of a young twentysomething has found US politics to be meaningful to her Moroccan host family. She shares an amusing anecdote:
Yesterday, it started snowing heavily. So I did what I usually do when I don't want to be in my house along; I went to my host family's. I sat around the fire and read a book. After a couple of hours, I turned on the TV. To my surprise and pleasure, the Daily Show came on. Ali, the now 15-month old, started pointing to the TV when the guest, Barack Obama, appeared. I wish my camera had been with me.
Just this week, Ali said his first word, ‘Baba,’ which is oh-so-close to ‘Obama.’ For about an hour, I practiced the word ‘Obama’ with Ali. But there was no luck. Maybe with more time, it will become his second word.
Author and blogger Laila Lalami shares a link to a story in the Guardian, explaining:
On the eve of Election Day, the Guardian newspaper has asked a few American writers what they think of the presidency of George W. Bush. As you might expect, none have anything good to say about him. There is outrage, there is anger, but there is also humor. Here’s Tobias Wolff:”When I see someone being rude to a waiter, or blocking the road in a Ford Expedition, or yakking loudly on a cell phone in a crowded elevator, I naturally assume they voted for George W Bush.”
But the rhetoric of “change” is never far away. Moonlight shares a simple image to highlight her feelings on the subject:
Originally posted on Voices without Votes.
“Just this week, Ali said his first word, ‘Baba,’ which is oh-so-close to ‘Obama.’ For about an hour, I practiced the word ‘Obama’ with Ali. But there was no luck. Maybe with more time, it will become his second word.”
Peace corps?
I find that absolutely disgusting and distasteful, that a peacecorp would try to teach a 15 month old the word “Obama” because the childs first word was “Papa” “Father” “Baba”
Next time one of my moroccan friends is in the us, i must remember to ask him to teach a 15 month old, the word “Allah” as his second word instead of teaching him to say “Mama” as his second word.
Maybe when Obama gets in, he will, to the great relief of the rest of us, disband the peace corps.
I get your point, but do you actually think the family she’s staying with DOESN’T support Obama? And second of all, wouldn’t the equivalent be “King Mohammed VI” and not “Allah?” That’s slightly ridiculous to infer religion into this.
More importantly, Peace Corps is just a means. If she were in Morocco on her own resources, it would probably still bother you just as much.
During the Bush-era i thought american people are stupid-(D) & aggressive-(R) because: no votes count> Bush-court appointed-president, middle-east peace-process suspended> Bush-Sharon> blood-in-hand, 9/11-tragedy UN irrelevant & political-ploy> Bush-cowboy, Afghanistan-war imposed to teach taliban & alqaida> Bush-war against terror as known against islam, finally WMD bunch of lies to occupy Oil of Iraq & revenge against dictator Saddam as he wanted to kill Bush-Father> Bush-Lies became Law to kill innocent people of Iraq: But who cares UN Human Rights if BIG has motive in SMALL. A land occupied by the runaway Europeans cowboys from the original Red-Indian American people running by only 2-party D+R doing left & right from its birth can not be the hero of Democracy it needs majority peoples rule, not by 2 person nor by 2 parties but more then 3 is necessary to define democracy by the people for the people. As to the USA Bush-Freedom claim is it fair or nasty as we all know UN Bans Slave-trade but replaced by “S”-trade against all the religion-book Holy-Tora, Holy-Bible, Holy-Al-Quran & other, where is our civilized moral value of honesty to respect the Truth, Nature & GOD/ALLAH. On US$ it is clearly written “IN GOD WE TRUST” is it not double standard even with the faith, shame enough to use this $ for a Lied-War and going against Religion to trade-“S”. As soon as OBAMA for USA voted to victory all peace loving people of this GOD-Given Green-Globe found a change to breath fresh-Air, fair-Democracy & fair-Freedom. At last but the list to follow up for our Great-USA which is Missing-in-Action. This is written to speak in Fair-Freedom in Truth-Faith $IN GOD WE TRUST$!
Here is why It should be Morocco
What do you call an Arab, Muslim and African country who was the first to recognize the United States independence?
Kingdom of Morocco
What do you call a moderate, tolerating, peaceful country who is the strongest ally to the United States in the region?
Kingdom Of Morocco.
What do you call Obama’s first speech in Morocco after his inauguration?
A historical moment.
The Moroccan Community is one of the fastest growing communities in the USA, Moroccan Americans Democrats, republicans and independents are inviting President Elect Obama to Make Morocco the home for his first foreign policy speech abroad.
Morocco is the ideal country to launch a message of peace to the Muslim world.
A peace loving country with a respected voice in the region, Morocco is a long time friend of the United States and would be proud to host President Elect Barack Obama in this historical event.
Morocco is well positioned to hold this great event .Besides the long standing ties and good relations Morocco has with the US for over 200 years, there are many other factors that would lead the new elected Leader, Mr. Barack Obama to give a speech in Morocco .
Morocco enjoys political stability, a stability that is continuously strengthened as Morocco builds a modern democracy in the spirit of freedom, openness and tolerance.
Morocco is also well positioned as a Western ally in the global war on terror.
Morocco offers a rich and widely diversified potential as it is strategically located on both the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, within 7 miles from Europe and serves as a gateway to both Africa and the Arab world. The diversity of Amazigh, Arabs, and Jews, who have lived side by side for centuries, as well as its close ties to Europe, has made Morocco a different country than many of its neighbors.
Mr. President Elects Obama, please accept our invitation. Not only do we support your vision for change, but we are ready to help you make it happen. Let this speech in Morocco be the start of a new day for America’s relation with the Muslim World
Hassan Samrhouni
Founder of Obama to Speak in Morocco
Morocco combines the African, Arab, Berber, and Muslim worlds in a wonderful harmony, and is the home of a new and dynamic young king that compliments Obama and his vision of change. Obama and Morocco–a perfect match!
When America knocked on the world’s door, Morocco was the first to say “Welcome America, We Recognize You” when the Arab World sided with Moscow, Morocco refused to be bullied and claimed its loyalty to its long time friends in Washington. The US-Moroccan relations are a true testament of mutual respect, friendship and loyalty
Today Morocco remains the OLDEST and one of the closets allies in the region. U.S. relations with Morocco date from 1777, when the two nations negotiated a Treaty of Peace and Friendship. Renegotiated in 1836, the treaty is still in force, constituting the longest unbroken treaty relationship in U.S. history
Exceptional relationships that our monarchy maintained with All the American Presidents from Kennedy to Bush…
Morocco is well positioned to be an ideal place for this historic event to take place
Historic great relationship Morocco and the United States have and continue to enjoy. It started back in 1977 when Morocco took the action of allowing ships with US flags to enter Morocco when other nations were reluctant to do so if not opposed to it.
Morocco enjoys great friendly relationships with the predominant majority of countries in the world, Muslim or otherwise
Safety, hospitality, and tolerance The Maghreb is the ONE by excellence.
Morocco hosts the intellectual think-tank of the Islamic Conference, known as the CESCO Islamic Cultural, Educational, and Scientific Conference Organization
Morocco chairs the “Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Committee”, Al-Quds being one of the major symbols of Islam;
Morocco boasts moderate Islam and a proven record in the brokerage of a just peace in the Middle East
Morocco has all the ingredients to make this historic speech an effective and successful event.
Morocco and its people played and are still paying a major role in bringing peace to the Middle East.
Morocco was a staunch ally of the USA during the cold war.
Morocco has played an important role in the fight against terrorism, and is a country that could be used as a model of tolerance where Muslims and Jews live side by side in harmony.
Morocco is well respected in the Muslim and Arab world and throughout Africa, and is considered a moderate voice in all these regions.
Morocco as an African Muslim country, it has developed into a model for religious tolerance and cultural diversity.
Morocco has made great progress in human rights and gender equality.
Morocco enjoys political stability, a stability that is continuously strengthened as we build a modern democracy in the spirit of freedom, openness and tolerance. This is a vision that is led and implemented with strong resolve and determinations by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
Morocco is also well positioned as a Western ally in the global war on terror
Morocco offers a rich and widely diversified potential as it is strategically located on both the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, within 7 miles from Europe and serves as a gateway to both Africa and the Arab world.
The diversity of Berbers, Arabs, and Jews, to name a few, who have lived side by side for centuries, as well as its close ties to Europe, has made Morocco a different country than many of its neighbors.
Morocco is indeed the destination for religious tolerance, co-existence, and a symbol of harmonious living where everyone is welcome!
The US-Moroccan strong ties will personify this historical moment and will utterly strengthen the US foreign relationships and send a clear message specifically to the Islamic world and to the rest in general
Morocco places high value on its long-standing history of friendship and cooperation with the United States. It has been an invaluable partner in the wake of terrorist attacks on the United States
Rabat wouldn’t be a bad choice at all for its historical significance. After all, it was FDR who came to Morocco in 1942 with Churchill and DeGaulle to sign the Alliance in the presence of Morocco’s King at the Palace d’anfa in Casablanca. Given the fact that many parallels have already been drawn between FDR and Obama, especially considering the daunting economic challenges both faced, it would be good to draw attention to a reform-oriented Muslim country like Morocco. On top of it, Morocco was the first country to recognize the United States as a country, so what better time for Morocco to be able to side once again with the United States as when ushering in a new reign of democracy in the world?
Morocco should top the list. Among the reasons: The Sultan of Morocco Muhammad III was the first foreign ruler to recognize the US as an independent republic in 1777, and the longest unbroken treaty in US diplomatic history is with Morocco, the M-A Treaty of Friendship (signed by Jefferson in 1787).
Morocco has started a political reform process since the mid-1990s; it also saw the first truth commission in the Arab world. Morocco has also been a strong ally of the United States, a country that played a role in bringing Israelis and Palestinians together and pushing for peace and a two states solution, before it became fashionable. Morocco was the first Muslim country to invite Pope Jean Paul to speak to stadium with 80,000 Muslims. Morocco is also an African and Arab country, with a multi-ethnic-religious flair; it is a country that years ago integrated an Islamist political party into the political game. So, an Obama trip to Morocco would certainly validate the changes and promote an agenda of reform
Morocco is a Major non-NATO ally with the US and the strength of the Moroccan-US relationship is well-known in the world!
peace and love , السلام والمحبة ,la paix et l’amour , שלום ואהבה , ειρήνη και αγάπη , hòa bình và tình yêu , мира и любви , la paz y el amor .
Obama choosing Morocco as his venue for an important foreign policy speech. What better site to choose than the oldest friend of the United States, and its nearest neighbor across the Atlantic? Morocco was not only the first nation to recognize American independence; the Kingdom has a long history of friendship and mutual support with the American people. Moreover, Morocco is a progressive, tolerant and moderate Muslim nation at the crossroads of three worlds: African, European, and Arab. What better place to choose for stating a new world policy?
Holding a speech in Morocco can only help to break down the terrible misconceptions that the majority of Americans hold regarding the Muslim way of life..
Great article, indeed most Moroccans are extremely glad for the US victory and the Obama election. Moroccan see the election of Obama as a possible change in the world, and, a close alie the the Iraq / Afghanistan / Gaza situation. Moroccans often say he will change the world as a strong figure he has, also his name as made him a popular person associating Obama to Obama bin Laden.