21 October 2008

Stories from 21 October 2008

China: Microsoft vs. netizens

  21 October 2008

A hard battle is looming. Microsoft vs. millions of piracy users, international corporation vs. developing state, who will win the final victory?

Indonesia: Medical tourism

  21 October 2008

Indonesia is building world-class health facilities. It seems to be targeting the dollar-earning medical tourism industry.

Thai and Taiwanese protesters

  21 October 2008

Christian Schafferer compares the tactics, practices and ideologies of Thai and Taiwanese protesters. Check also the interesting pictures inside the protest camps in Bangkok.

Bolivia: Pro-Government March Arrives to La Paz

  21 October 2008

Tens of thousands of peasants, miners, coca-growers, and other supporters of the government of Evo Morales arrived in La Paz on Monday. What had originally started as a march to apply pressure to the Bolivian Congress to pass a law calling for a Referendum to approve the draft Constitution ended as a celebration when the lawmakers reached a compromise, and seemingly pacified the country after several volatile months.

Pakistan, India: Old trade route opened

  21 October 2008

CHUP! – Changing Up Pakistan reports with backgrounds: “Today, India and Pakistan between their respective parts of Kashmir, reopening an old trade route across the Line of Control [LoC] for...

India: Fail Camp

  21 October 2008

After successful Bar Camps an innovative “Fail Camp” is being organized in India, reports Kiruba Shankar. FailCamp is a friendly unconference where people get-together to share and learn from failures.