Prisoners stacked one on top of the other in a cage? Award winning Egyptian blogger Wael Abbas exposes yet another horrific breach of human rights on his popular blog Misr Digital.

Wael explains:
هذه الصورة أرسلت إلي عن طريق المسنجر وقد إلتقطت بالتليفون المحمول لغرفة الحجز في أحد أقسام الشرطة – لا نعرف أي قسم حتى الآن – وكما ترون فغرفة الحجز عبارة عن قفص حديدي يتكدس فيه المحتجزين بشكل أقل ما يقل عنه هو أنه – قرودي – غير إنساني ولا حتى حيواني لأن اللي عنده حيوانات عمره ما يحطها في زريبة بالشكل ده لأنه ببساطة يخاف عليها تنفق – منظر لا يمكن تخيله حتى في لوحة سيريالية ولا حتى في خيال شخص فشار مهولاتي أبو لمعة قد يحكي عن تكدس البشر بعضهم فوق بعض لكن الصورة أهه بألف كلمة وليس من رأى كمن سمع وربنا يخلي لينا التكنولوجيا
This picture was sent to me on my messenger and was taken by a cellular phone for a detention room in a police station – I don't know which yet – and as you can see, the room is a metal cage where those detained are stacked up like monkeys. It is so inhumane and even worse than the way an animal would be treated because no animal will be dealt with in this manner simply because you would be worried that it could die. This is a scene difficult to imagine even in a surreal painting, not even in the wild imagination of a show off who would speak about piling human beings up on top of each other. However, a photograph speaks a thousand words and may Allah protect technology for us.
Commentators on the article are lost for words.
Misr Al Muslima writes:
دول معملوهاش في سجن ابو غريب ولا غوانتنامو
ولا كانها لقطة في افلام الخيال العلمي
للدرجاتي هو دة مقام الانسان المصري بيتحت في اقفاص زي الحيونات ويمكن اوسخ من الحيونات
ربنا يرحمنا برحمته
This wasn't even done in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. Is isn't even a scene from a science fiction flick. To this extent have Egyptians fallen to, kept in cages like animals, and treated even worse? May Allah have mercy on us.
Hamoodi says:
نظام الشرطة في جميع الدول العربيه فاسد فاسد فاسد
Police forces in all Arab countries are corrupt corrupt corrupt
And Mohamed adds sarcastically:
فعلا مصر ام الدنبا ومهد الحضارة
انتظروا مزيدا من الاختراعات المهينة للبشرية
Egypt is really the cradle of civilisations.. wait for more inventions which further humiliate humanity
Haitham, however, calmly explains:
This picture is photoshopped :P
As far as I know about photos and photoshop editing, this picture was not “photoshopped”. It may be unbeliavable — as human cruelty can sometimes be — but sadly it seems to be as real it gets.
How can human beings do this to other human beings?
This photograph is plain and simple just wrong. I just can’t even imagine any human being warranting being treated like this, as the title says being “stacked like sardines.” Tragically it remains eminent that human beings still are inhumane towards one another regardless of the whereabouts. Throughout the world the problem of cruelty is widespread and needs to be extinguished and the ability to extinguish this fire resides within every single one of us. We hold the power to end this by standing up for our rights as human beings and imploring others to do the same for themselves, their families, their friends and just for mankind in general.
The Egyptian government literally treats its people like garbage – zebil. As a foreigner living in Egypt, I finds lot of discrimination here, but that of Egyptians, in relation to “whitees” with foreign passports.