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Egypt: The Fire Series Continues

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Egypt, Breaking News, Disaster, Economics & Business

Apparently, the fire monster is not over with Egypt yet and has decided to shoot off to El Mehalla El Kobra. “Ghazl El Mehalla Textile Factories No. 6, 7, 16 have burnt down,” reports Arabawy [1].

Karim El Behiry reports from the Gharbeia governorate:

استطاعت قوات الدفاع المدنى بمحافظة الغربية من السيطرة على حريق هائل شب بثلاث مصانع لنسيج الهواء ” التكيفات الموجودة بمصانع نسيج الهواء ” نسيج 6 , 7 و 16 بشركة غزل المحلة صباح اليوم 4/10/2008 يذكر ان مصنع 6 و 16 متلاصقين ببعضهما اما مصنع 7 فبعيدا عنهم
“The civil defense unit in the Gharbeia governorate managed to control a huge fire that started this morning October 4, 2008, in three weaving factories; number 6, 7, & 16 of the Mehalla Textile Company.”

Karim continues:

كان عمال ثلاث مصانع نسيج الهواء ” التكيفيات الموجودة بمصانع نسيج الهواء ” بغزل المحلة قد فوجئوا صباح اليوم” السادسة صباحا ” عند دخولهم المصنع بنشوب حريق هائل تسبب فى تدمير عدد كبير من المكيفات وماكينات الهواء بالاضافة الى اقطان كانت معده للتصنيع وعلى الفور استغاثوا بقوات الدفاع المدنى التى حضرت وسيطرت بعد ثلاث ساعات على الحريق ولم يعلن رسميا عن الخسائر التى كبدها الحريق والتى متوقع ان تزيد عن 5 ملايين جنيها بالاضافة الى انه لم يصب اى عامل جراء الحريق
“The workers of the three factories were taken by surprise this morning upon their arrival at work at 6am when they saw that a fire has started and has destroyed a huge number of air-conditioners and other equipment, along with textile that was being prepared for manufacturing. They immediately called the civil defense units which arrived and managed to put down the fire after three hours. The losses have not yet been officially announced yet but it is expected to exceed 5 Million Egyptian Pounds, however, no human injuries or losses have been reported.

Back to Arabawy [1] who notes the probable cause of the fire could be “electric sparks as the machines were re-started after the holidays. The textile factories of course are full of raw cotton supplies and inflammable materials. Fire spread quickly.”

The series of fires is really fishy, and a conspiracy theory is quite appealing for so many Egyptians, given the recurrence of the severe fires hitting influential/historic Egyptian buildings which started with the Egyptian Parliament [2] on August 19th, 2008, followed by the National Theatre [3] in Cairo.

Linuxawy [4]lists the fires and tries to speculate which building's turn is it next?

He adds:

أنا مش باهزر والله انا مش مصدق ان كل ده صدف.. ممكن حاجات صدف وحاجات لأ، الحرايق ديه كلها فى أماكن سهلة الاشتعال خشب وورق وقطيفة والذى منه..كلها تقريبا ما فيهاش خسائر بشرية الا اعداد قليلة جدا وأغلبهم من المطافى..
“I am not kidding, I cannot believe it is all a matter coincidence.. Some might be coincidences, and others may not be. All the fires started in places where there was flammable material like wood, paper and fabrics…and all of them had minimal if no human loss except for a few firemen!!